Friday, September 22, 2006

8 Disks Hermes Gnome (Lamb)

I put (Lamb) in parens) because lately I've been getting the two guides mixed up in my head. I think I've got my head around a system now, though.

Tomorrow I'm off to Devils Lake, North Dakota. The last time I was in that Christian town was during the Republican convention in 2004. Almost right after that, I went off to my first Witch Camp. That September was miraculous in many ways. I thought I might be moving to NoDak, but the Capital District of New York also captured my attention. Eventually I made my way up here instead, but NoDak is a place I believe will have some import in my future, if only because my parents are ascending in age.

My Dad has the Alz, and Mom has had to be tethered to him for the past decade. Evidently he's getting worse, and I'll be seeing firsthand what my mother has had to bear these past ten years. Eventually she'll have to put him into a home, but she's putting that day off for other reasons.

A part of me would like to live there, actually, even though I know I'd probably get bored fairly quickly. It's hard to know for sure, but I might actually be surprised and find some cultured people out in Jeebusland. I'm a bit nervous about the trip actually, much as I was nervous about my trip to the boyfriend's hometown of Fort Worth. I was pleasantly surprised there too, however and who's to say what I should expect in Devils Lake-a-Christian-town? Even if it is THE location of that infamous Jesus Camp documentary that's making the rounds of major cities across the Unraveling State of 'MerK-KaKa.

One thing I must openly wonder, however about some of the events placetaking 'round allns ussens: When will we do like Lopez Obrador in Mexico and start to create a parallel government of freethinkers? Will it happen or are we just too medicated/afraid/insane to do so? Just asking.

Hopefully I'll ponder this notion while I'm away, and I don't expect to check mah emails during thisn here vacation. Momzels and Dadzels have nary a computer twixt them. Mayhap I"ll find meself on a 'puter, but I'z likes to doubtz it. Yawynasonst, I'll be pondering that and also how the houses might line up for post-carbonic experience for astrological notions and foretellings.

Blessings to one and all

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Empress Dian-y-Glass Butterfly - More on Astrology

One thing I wish to do for people when I consult with them is talk frankly about the times in which we live, and that I think studying the birth chart for its story can illuminate areas of expertise and wisdom for people to consider as we all negotiate the slide out of domestication and addiction.

Again, it would be for those who want it.

To those who are obsessed with their careers and their love-lives, I'm not sure that I'd have a lot to offer them. That's a superficial way to approach the craft of astrology anyway. And while I understand the notion of "career" as it relates to the 10th House, the present day notion of "career," like "nation" and "corporation", are at that same point in their history as the 8-track tape was in in 1976. In other words, just before they're to be rendered obsolete. We'll have to go through the houses and determine what their meanings will be "post-civilization."

Speaking optimistically, the 4th House will become the repository for all things civilized. The 4th House and its cusp (also known as the Nadir) represents the past and all things historical/hysterical. The 4th House corresponds to Cancer which is interesting in light of the diseases of carcinoma which share the same name. It also has an affinity with the moon, and themes of motherhood and smotherhood. Nurturance and sheltering and also neglect and abuse as well. The 4th House also relates to the Home, traditions of all sorts (whether living or ineffective), and some other soon-to-be-historical notions of patriotism and national identity. The 4th House represents the family and also prepubescence in terms of the life cycle. On the human body, it corresponds to the breasts/chest area.

As we participate in the civilization in its death throes, 8th House and 12th House issues will come to the surface, but eventually, civilization will be solely a 4th House issue. We might look to both our eighth house and again our fourth house (because the 4th house is 9 houses away from the 8th, and therefore would represent "the death of the larger system"), to discover what we have on offer for these large scale transitions. I have Sagittarius on the 8th House cusp, with Ceres located therein. Cancer is on my 4th house cusp. I can take a long view as to the nature of death and even provide some nurturance to people as they adjust to the new circumstances. My Jupiter (ruler of the 8th house in my chart) is in Aries and the 12th house, which also seems to indicate that making space for divine connection can also provide assistance albeit in an active and possibly even masculine manner. Perhaps I can be a contingent avatar of God Herself or Father-Mother God.

As far as my own reaction to the Death of the Larger System, it's deeply emotional as Cancer is perhaps the most deeply emotional of the signs. It's my personal belief that of the 12 signs, Cancer is the most quietly powerful. Leo, Scorpio and Capricorn try to throw their weight around openly and frequently crassly, but it's Cancer that evinces the still, quiet voice of authentic power. The moon is the closest body to the earth and it is as big in the sky as the sun is which is of course much bigger, and therefore much further away. The moon has a deep pull, and for me, the Cancer themes of the 4th House are magnified that much more. The Moon in my chart is in the 3rd House which means somehow I need to communicate my perceptions in the simplest manner possible, so that a child could understand them.

In any case, I'm currently using my own chart to start to come up with other understandings of how I can, as a caring craftsman working within Urania's Bailiwick, can assist others in their transition out of domesticity and to their lovely, free and perhaps feral essences. We will need to learn and listen deeply to one another, and we will need to reconnect with our Divine Natural Awareness (DNA!) and to discharge the destructive-necrotic-assasins that would wipe us all off the face of the earth.

I'm going to have to meditate on what the different houses might point post-civ'd folks toward and how the archetypal/apersonal forces as rep'd by the planets and the modes as rep'd by the signs will affect the populace. If any of you have thoughts it'd be much appreciated.

Friday, September 08, 2006

4 Wands Odin Otter - 12 Step Society and Astrology

(Wow. It was kind of fun to type "4 Wands Odin Otter"! Under the surface, there's clearly a day of mischief waiting.)

Last night, I spoke with both of my sponsors in my two 12-Step Programs. I would really like to start a new 12-Step Program for any who are interested. Interestingly enough, this fellow Casey Maddox seemed to have the same idea before me, and even wrote a book about it:

I actually have a play about something similar. It's about a woman who hits bottom, joins AA and starts to recover and then, miracle of miracles, gets fired. She works as a paper pusher for a company specializing in selective-human-pest-elimination (SHPETM) or what you and I refer to as "Contract Assassinations." The play is called Adrenaline and eventually I will publish it through a self-publishing website. It deserves to be published, actually, if not actually performed.

In any case, I've decided to start a new blog called "Empire Anonymous" (just in case Maddox owns a copyright on Civilization Anonymous. t-hee!)

Anyway, the subject of my post today is the craft-poetic language known as Astrology. I've been meaning to post on this subject for a while with all the strange news about Pluto and Ceres and the "dwarf planets" and all.

I approach astrology as a craft, not as a science or art. Crafts combine both of those, actually, and therefore occupy an intermediate place. To craft a person-worthy understanding of the birth vehicle as evidenced by that snapshot in time of nativity is not unlike crafting the stageworthy play or the seaworthy ship. It is meant to be something that will help the native possessing that fleshly snapshot a mechanism for navigating life. The building blocks of this understanding are the planets, which I would describe as nodal foci of archetypal energies that operate in a style (zodiacal sign) which has quite a bit to do with seasonal understandings of the birth locale, and also in an arena of life (the astrological house) that covers a general area as understood by its location by axes north/south and east/west. To take an example from my own birth chart:

Uranus in Virgo in the 5th house for the Native born in Denver, Colorado:

Uranus is the archetype of the originator, the somewhat removed and revolutionary genius who can intuit as well as reason possibilities into being, the archetype of the "brethrenhood of humanity" as opposed to the mere individual, though often providing a stark representation of individual oddity. In Virgo, the archetype is expressed in a discriminating and sometimes exacting manner, as would befit farmers reaping their harvests (which takes place in the Virgo month, even in Denver, CO). That being said, Uranus in Virgo can get carried away sometimes with sudden and abrupt criticisms, often unasked for. In the fifth house, this Uranus will be looking to express itself in personal and self-directed modes but calling for others' captivated attention. Because of the Virgo influence, they'll take calculated risks, but in 5th House areas--gambling, children, theater and other performing arts, attracting power to the self.

This is in any case, a thumbnail of something I wrestle with. It's affected also by the fact that Uranus is conjunct Pluto and opposite Chiron and a Sun/Mars conjunction.

[In writing this, I wonder if someone who was born on the same day and time as me in say, Argentina, would have a different solar energy based on the fact that Pisces in the north is a "winter" sign (and indeed on the day I was born, it dumped 3 feet of snow), but in February, Argentina is in the "Virgo" time when they're gathering the harvest. At least I imagine that's true. I wonder if that's how the indigenous peoples of southern hemisphere locations do their cosmic craftings.]

Anyway, I will have more to post on stuff. I'll do that perhaps tomorrow. Tschuss!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

6 Wands Star Goddess Chimera

Meditations on Endgame volume I by Derrick Jensen


I like sugar. A lot. Can't get enough
I trudge from Bodega to deli to bakery
and nosh on creamy high necrose
corpse syrup addiction civilization
genocide yea! Give me a case
of Twinkies, I'll kill the fuckin' world!
I taste one, I must have a gazillion.
McDonald's? I AM the 200 billion served!


I love you, that's why I need you to hit
me. Rape my buttcunt. That's what it's
there for! I'm your Iraq, you can be
my Donald Rumsfeld. Daisy-cut me!
Shards! Explode your BLU-82
inside my volumnious caverns.
Aren't I here just for your pleasure?
Like a Trojan, dump me wherever. I'm easy.


Dude, you don't know--good it makes
me feel, meef... When you've had a hit.
You can't. Give it. Up. Easy. No. I like
my crank. Better than sex, dude
I feel that juice give ... it's intense... heat
Such awesome. Sweet. ness. P'rm'ssating
mah beebah, 'n'... I'm -- like -- gone --
I like being gone. Better than being HERE.

#4 (with apologies to Brecht & Weill)

O show me the way to the next
Megachurch. O don't ask why. Must
not ask why. For if I don't find the next
Megachurch, I tell you GENOCIDE AWAITS!
O judge of Salt Lake Vatican,
I must now say "Fuck you!"
For I've lost my dear Pope Prada,
and must have Jesus. O you know why.


At work, I surf the web and in the car
I'm listing to radio and at home I
watch the cable channels, and media
blankets my existence. Cocoon, feel
so warm inside. Katie really cares about
my zits! I know. I can see it in her
photoshopped face. Rush! He's my pal.
K-Hate, where everyone knows my name!


Such a golden life I lead. I can't wait
to get to my job each day, to file, process
applications for loans, to send rejection
letters and collection notices. Why society
itself would teeter without my silent
workings. My rage is what nurses me.
One of these days, They'll give me
an Uzi for backup. Then they'll know effective.


If only they'd listen to me. I know what
you need to do. I've got answers. World
would be better off, I tell you. Trains run
on time. People go where they're supposed
to. I know great chains of being. Listen
to the center-men and shut up. Do as
you're told, and don't give any lip. That's me.
I'll be the Enforcer. Grim job, but I'm determined.


A Prayer to Liberate the Soul from Mere Empire

"Have you had enough yet?"
The question drops into me.
Soft ripples expand outward
and swell upwards. Salty tears
course down cheeks to Cerridwen.
Kwan Yin smiles benevolent,
at my willingness to heal.

"Take this civilization
away from me," I mutter.
Do I now dare to dream big
of life after broken chains,
beyond all pronouncements
into blind slaveries?
Wash away my addiction
the sentencing to squalor,
and the dead-end suffering.

Whatever my natural
birthright my be, I"ve lost touch.
Connect me to earth and sky,
fire and water, mystery
of center, above, below.
Point me toward the direction
and clear out scattered debris
littering my mindscape.

Help me resist continued
applied empire pressure
to forget my feet planted
on Mother's energetic
body and disembody
my own soul and self. Let me
learn to love this grand locale
in which I awaken

to cyclic celebrations
of seasons ever changing.
Somehow, I'm here to help heal
this planet and those who want
what I have. Others holding
what I want freely give me
what I need, transforming this
former husk into abundant
node of bright light, love and joy.

I radiate the pulses
into fecund multiverse
and call to me peers seeking
engaging contact, to push
forth and contain the harmful
toxins polluting our souls'
ecology, to banish entities
pathologic, sucking us out.

To connect the most sacred
with economies grounded
in the landbase surrounding.
Help me string together more
moments of a contiguous
mindfulness and to effect
meaningful change as I reach
out to touch the face of God

Herself in the mirrored flesh
that reads or hears these words.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Prince Cups Hades Dragon

(Today's a burner day. Feel kinda blegh, but I'm starting to rally.)

I was going to post another set of poems I've been writing, and I shall probably do so tomorrow. Right now I'm reading Derrick Jensen's Endgame v.1. I've read a couple of his other books--Culture of Make-Believe and A Language Older Than Words. Both were helpful in articulating some things that I've implicitly understood for a long while, that our culture is based on the continuation of abuse. If we want the abuse to stop, then it so follows we also want the culture to stop as well.

Recently I came across a luscious website in the astrology Mr. Wilkinson refers to this age as "The Grand Irrationality." I couldn't do any better. It's pretty cool lately how astrology seems to be offering all these ways to piece it all together. The whole Pluto affair has been wildly amusing, if you ask me. Hades and Persephone are just laughing in the same way that I assume "God" laughs in the statement "Man plans, God laughs."

I'm starting to ask my dream source for actions to take to hasten the birth of the next iteration of land-based cultures. Whatever else happens, I've decided for myself I need to be preparing to help others come to terms with the difficulties that are in all our futures, regardless of what happens ultimately. I've started writing a collection of monologues with the premise that all of us are headed into "The Great Sorting" as it were. One of the characters literally puts on a sorting hat and removes it to find she's been whisked into another world for her continued existence. (I doubt it would literally be like that, still it's a lot of fun to imagine. I have seven or eight characters who find themselves in different versions of the Earth, and some of them even can look in on other iterations, like to see the fundamentalist [insert religious toxin here] world that results in new scapegoats being made with the ultimate ends of nuclear annihilation of these errant fools. There but for the grace of Cerridwen go I, eh?)

I did write a series of 7 very short works that I'll probably submit to for their next issue. The collective title is "Toxicities" and they're in response to reading one specific chapter of Endgame called "Abuse." I'll post them here, maybe tomorrow. We'll see.

Still, I would like to get back to this blogging stuff. Perhaps, now that the latest burner period has ended, I'll be able to. I don't know. I definitely go through phases with this stuff. I always want to post, but many times I just don't feel I have much to say that's worth the effort of all this typing. (I type for a living, so I hope some of you will cut me some slack.)