Friday, March 10, 2006

10 Cups (Again!) Persephone Chimera

My best friend finally read my blog! We over-40 folks can get so busy with our lives, and he's in flux with having relocated to Hawaii and now needing to find new employment. In any case, here's what Michael wrote me:

The Mayan Correspondence System meditation sounds like an awesome one on a
couple of levels. First, as you mentioned, it added to your divination
tool box. But second, it’s awesome to me because it points to the
mirroring aspect of our individual, microcosmic selves, and the collective,
macrocosmic self. In more concrete terms, you discovered that you have
been creating an individualized, personal system which mirrors an ancient,
communal system for understanding/divining sacred influences. It’s in
the way it sits in that cross-over point of “Is this me, or is this the
world?” that this meditation jives with me, because in the final analysis,
it doesn’t really matter (does it?). It works if it works, whether it
comes from inside or outside or both.

And yet, do we see that clearly? Do we, toxic folks that we are with our skewed
perceptions, projections and … get that it’s okay because that’s what the
world is doing, too? I myself haven’t trusted it in myself, but I’m changing. Who knows how it turns out…

Now I can’t seem to get back to the first few posts (the recent ones), but I’ll try again tomorrow. This blogging thing is weird to me—I don’t mean to be judgmental; rather, I’m confused—what do you get out of it? Motivation to write daily? Publication (that is, making personal processes public [which I understand IS crucial right now])? Something else? I really would like to know, if you’re willing to

I hope you slept well. I love you.


It's difficult to say what I get out of this blogging thing. For me right now it's a matter of faith that I'm giving of myself in a strange semi-nonymous manner. I don't feel completely anonymous doing this, but I also am not seeking to become a guru or to promote something other than other people's awareness/acceptance/action steps in breaking free of their domestication/civilization/addiction/thought-cancer issues. I'm still struggling with all that myself. I have moments of clarity, yet "the system" or "the Matrix" comes back with different sorts of enticements that boggle my mind. I'm going through something right now, though the message I'm getting from all sides loud and clear is that I am protected no matter what. For the time being.

I don't really know much more than that. I have no idea who reads this blog, though I have come to see that some people do read it. It's rather exciting to have someone link back to me. So far I only know of one wondiferous and illustrious blog that does this, and because of that, I'm one-step removed from several of the other websites out there that I'm obsessively checking each workday and some weekend days when I have a chance to.

Anyway, I may have more thoughts later. It's another 10 of cups day after all. And it's a Persephone day to boot.

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