Tuesday, August 01, 2006

2 Wands Hermes Bear

Hymn to Hermes

Ah, winged one, I don’t know why
I should have difficulties writing
a song to you, North God of my
understanding, but they multiply.
Perhaps it’s because you’re so intimate--
such a part and parcel of my mundane
existence. I employ the mail, use
the phone, I’m always communicating
and therefore I am embedded
in a reality as Hermetic as it’s
become Hadean, Kaliesque even.
Not to worry, not you. All of it
holds information. Scientists before me
often mistook their single pointed
awareness as reality’s cornerstone.
I refuse that tortuous error,
preferring instead to inhabit middle
spaces, seeking third modes of balance
midst technique and mystique.
Your godsome semibrother Hephaestus
favors craftsmen, but so too do you
in your own way. And know this,
Hermes, I do love thee as a brother,
albeit one who’s beyond mere corporality.
I see the beings in my pantheon
and those who come to visit as brethren.
I am I hope, sensible enough to grasp
that I don’t understand what makes
us equal, especially given that this
skin-packaged ego is slated for death,
amidst this deteriorating meat space.
Perhaps I will be engendering a magic
based on the current comprehension
of the transitional and the contingent?
I don’t know much, o Messenger God
of information, knowledge and the wisdom
perennial. I evoke you in the homely tones
of prayers to serenity without even knowing
of it. Therein I humbly seek you out
as companion into this realm of glorious
births, miraculous ascents, swoop-spectacular
falls and sweet endings. Sprinkle some of your
Trismegistal dirt on this hungry body. Cause
me to sing ululating praises to thee,
O Ruler of Geminis and Virgos.
Help me to lift the five hundred pound
And reach my voice out to others.
Helper of secretaries and lawyers alike.
You are community’s deity, Mercury.
Remind me I’ve nothing of which to fear.

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