Thursday, February 10, 2011

Welcome customers

I'm glad you've found this blog. I will attempt to update this blog occasionally as issues relating to nutrition and health and "new age" modalities and awareness of how the spiritual and the culinary intersect come through the channel of this blogger.

I'm eager to venture forward into nutrition with awareness of ayurveda and TCM wisdom. Due to my herbalism class, I've become much more aware of how ther herbal elements have greater impact on our being than first understood. I will never forget for my own part how rosemary woke me up to the simple notion that food choices are important for self-healing.

Now I'm using a tincture on my crown chakra each day from the herb called "Self-Heal." (Prunella is the genus, I believe.)

I already have come to understand quite a bit about food allergies. Now, I shall begin a journey into understanding food as an enhancer of the physical state. I will right now give a short testimony on behalf of yellow flowered herbs. Calendula, dandelion, elecampane, elderflower, chamomile. These are all herbs that I've felt an attraction and affection for of late. (Also gentian, but that's a deep rich blue, which I'll save for another time.) I feel these herbs stimulate a will inside me, and I now seek to add other yellows into my diet. I've already got yellow squash and bananas. And I do eat a lot of orange vegetables as well - carrots and winter squash. Whites including parsnips, rutabagas, turnips. (And of course the greens!)

The yellow flowered herbs seem to work on elements of my being that bring out a fire of solar power. The color of that radiant sun imbues them with his fierceness, and it kindles that inside me.

May it lead me on to be of service to my community.

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