Tuesday, November 30, 2004

The Fae/Fey/Faerie

The Star Goddess instructed me on aspects of my existence which are to be manifested, one of which is that I make contact with the Fae. Faerie folk do take notice of us, at least a certain kind of individual. There are some aspects of my attractiveness to fey that need work. I need to work on my generosity, but it's difficult to know what the best mode for that is sometimes. I can't give money to EVERY homeless person I see, and I'm not sure that's desirable. The Al-Anon aspect about enabling comes into my head. I do love to be generous with the squirrels and the pigeons. The other day, a white-speckled pigeon flew onto my hand and ate nuts out of it. Awesome!

So, I am attempting to make myself available for contact with "my faerie godmother" or "godfather" as it were. According to Ted Andrews, there are fey male spirits, such as the salamanders or fire-faery. I wonder if the sylphs (air) manifest as androgynous. The gnomes (earth) also seem fairly masculine to me as well, while the undines (water) are definitely female. (Are there male undines and female gnomes and salamanders? Who am I to say, not having experienced any?)

I asked about a couple other things to manifest, and it appears I'm to manifest abundance in several places--Albany (NY), California, Colorado, North Dakota, and a place that seemed familiar from a dream I had but I don't really know where it is.

I talked with my friend Michael about the monetary situation touching us all, and he suggested that my inclination not to worry about that too much is right on. I share that because I still feel like there's a whole new burst of some amazing goodness coming our way. I feel this burgeoning excitement in my heart. I just want to share it with others who feel the same way and wonder how this too will manifest.

What is the world you want to create? Is there a way I can help? These are the questions to ask of myself and others.

Monday, November 29, 2004

Amazing articles on this website


I've been finding all sorts of commonalities with different individuals on the web, but this man's point-of-view is very close to my own. I don't know as much about Jung as other people do. But I'm somewhat familiar with his views on apocalypse, and I have been feeling that this whole aspect about the book of Revelation is meant to be metaphorical for the process of uncovering what is hidden on a person-by-person basis. Evidently, Jung spoke about there being a collective psychosis that could happen, and most likely this is what we are having to face in our present-day world.

On another note, I've been having the realization that I need to filter my mind at different points during my days, especially when I have unstructured time. My own veil between my own thoughts and those of random others has been flimsy of late, and I have had to constantly check myself and ask, "What am I feeling? Whose thoughts am I having, mine or some unspecified other's?" On Friday I was meditating and I received a very strong image of myself-as-someone-other-than-me putting a gun in "my" mouth and tasting the sweet metal, delighting in whatever waited me on the other side of the trigger. I snapped out of this bizarre reverie when I realized what "I" was thinking and pulled myself back from the experience. At that point, I had been 4 days away from my last day of work. Later, I walked through the park and got myself back on track, but I wasn't prepared to have those thoughts invade my mind. Hecate led me on a "mini-Bardo" journey the night before (yes on Thanksgiving, interesting eh?), and I was made aware of how sensitive I can be and how much I can take on before my head and heart start to feel dizzy and nauseous. Ick-for-millennia, dudles!

In this past week, I also had three significant dreams. In one, I was in a classroom with a famous person I will not name. She knew everyone in the room except for me and one other person, and she looked at me and was very curious about me. I felt very much affirmed and tres flattered. In the second dream, I was "home" in a place I feel I've seen before, but can't put my finger on where I have experienced this place before. There was a bridge across a body of water. The bridge was made of cement or stone, and had no visible guard railing. I turned into this town, which I felt was "Albany" and felt right at home. I was there with my Dad, and I was showing him around. Someone stopped us and asked for directions to the school, and I helped him out. The third dream involved my being at a fun party where everyone else there was younger than me. I saw my teacher Todd from Witch Camp there with his boyfriend, and I felt chagrin because I didn't want to see him just yet. There was another fellow there too who I knew was there, and I also didn't want to see him just yet. I felt something needed to have been done before I talked with either of these guys, that some project was unfinished.

My Tarot Cards for the past few days: Famous Person dream, The Fool; Thanksgiving, The Moon; Friday, 3 of Disks (productivity); Saturday, 10 of Wands (bearing the burden); today, 6 of Disks (goals).

Monday, November 22, 2004

Haven't posted any recipes in awhile

I realize that so much has been going on, I haven't really sat down and tried to create any new dishes. I've been mostly eating out or making my Lentil-bentilz. I did have that unusual meal with the eggs, squash, millet, apple and nuts. (Didn't work all that well, but maybe I'll have another go at some point.)

Right now, I guess as far as my food goes, I'm in a "comfortable groove." I'm not bored with my food at all. I feel pretty blessed, all things considered. I have pretty much the same breakfast every day, unless I'm meeting a friend. Then I switch my grain from 4-grain gluten-free cereal to brown rice and I switch my fat from 2T nuts to 2 strips of bacon.

For lunch, it's been mostly the lentil-bentilz or I go out. There's a wonderful restaurant on the next block from my home that serves generous veggie portions with 6 oz. of grilled salmon or chicken. (Mama's Food Shop also has mac&cheese and mashed potatoes, fried chicken and meatloaf for those who are not on restrictive diets, as well as some delicious desserts I can no longer tolerate.) And dinner has been a salad with cheese and either turkey or chickpeas, chicory and arugula for greens, and an assortment of mixed veggies. Squash with the apple, nuts and butter. A sugar-free jello cup. If I don't fix "brinner" I go to Odessa where I can also get generous portions of veggies.

I do feel a need to start experimenting more with chickpeas and perhaps corn and peas as well. It appears that life is about to get very difficult for a short period of time. And I wonder at my debt-level whether I'm in deep doo-doo or not. I have a sense that I will be going through some pain and suffering around the pain. The suffering will probably be reactive and disappear once I apply the principles of spirituality to the situation. Just in case, I've been slowly stocking up on canned chickpeas and vegetables. I probably should get a couple of cases together. With the way these people are running things, I wouldn't be surprised at the level of their short-sightedness. It's probably something now to consider about moving to the furthest northern reaches of Manhattan or the Bronx, even, just to be closer to more natural environs.)

I'll probably experiment with Hoppin' John and stuff like that. Black-eyed peas, cannelini, great Northerns, etc. I like beans, but I'll probably get tired of them at some point. Still, I'm very glad I have my abstinence, and I sometimes need to just write that out.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Another Burner Day Upcoming (Bummer-dude...)

Yes, I'm "getting my period" again. This is a One-Death cycle. I'm a 6 Death, which means that 5 days hence will be 6 Monkey. Crocodile, Monkey and Vulture are in a "family" of sorts, according to Mayan astrology. Every 65 days we get these wondrous periods, to be sure. The last time I "got my period" I was at Witchcamp, so I barely felt it, if at all. This time around, though--whew, boy!

Yesterday, I left work in a noncommittal mood. Neither up-nor-down. I got to a 12-step meeting, and I started to become seething for no reason. I still don't really understand completely what happened, though in talking to my best friend about it, the reason might have been other people's energies impacting my sensitivities. And I kept raising my hand, and kept on not getting picked to share, so I felt a bit miffed at that as well. It only deepened my valley of imploding biliousness. I started to think about that stupid Internet game "Alchemy" where you try to complete rows on a board by placing colored glyphs next to other glyphs that possess either the color or the glyph itself. When you can't place a glyph, you have to drop it into a cauldron where it turns into boiling blood.

My stomach was a cauldron of boiling bilious blood yesterday. I left the meeting in a sour mood, and I went to Tompkins Square Park and fed some squirrels, tried to talk to trees, but I felt a seriously decrepit energy even there. The trees did their best to salve me, but I couldn't even connect with the Woofers at the Dog Run. I came home, talked with a friend which helped, went to sleep, got up, had my talk with my best friend (his b-day was yesterday), and then I talked with yet another friend about it, who helped me understand what happened in yet another way.

Before the meeting, I had this image float through my head that the people who have the energy I want for myself had "ascended" and I was left behind with the "remedials." (Yes, I do have a big ol' baby-ego!) And when I left, I thought I should just cut-and-run from the group. In talking with my friends, I realized that yes, I do have wisdom to offer that makes others nervous. I often wonder that I'm crazy, and Michael told me not to question my sanity. Other people he regards as sane, to a person, all have said the exact same thing in the past week. (Amazing...) And so, I just need to be patient and wait for others to see they're having some of the same thoughts as me. "Then they'll see!"


It ties in with my Toltec Reading, actually. In the Spirit quarter, I got the Dog card, which indicates that I'm meant not so much to be a teacher as a peer to people who are learning about their modes of connecting to the Great Spirit. I'm more like an example rather than a teacher, perhaps a quiet leader like a seeing-eye dog, and I'm meant to be just as unsung. All right. I can find happiness in obscurity, I just know it!

Monday, November 15, 2004

Image that came to me

After reading some of the reports re: Fallujah, I decided I needed to journey to "Metaphorland"--don't know really what else to call it. I did that recently where the U.S. was concerned, and saw the different regional animal totems chafing under a red net that was fraying and near-to-falling apart. In this image about the world stage, I saw the red-webbing assembled into a human figure trying to stomp on a black snake. The snake was putting up a valiant fight, getting part of it stomped on, as another part of it rose up and feebly attempted to bite the attacker. I saw the other animal totems of the countries of the world standing near the fight, and at first I thought they were heart-sick over what was happening. The regional totems of these countries are indeed heart-sick. But I saw something else. I saw that same red webbing connecting all the countries together as well as to the attacker. The webbing seemed at first to emanate from what looked like "Israel," but I sensed that was a convenient node only. That the real source of it seemed to either be Switzerland or Britain. What was rather unnerving, though, was that the nexus of webbing that was in Britain lay rather close to more glowing energies that had a healing nature to them. I sense that these energies are getting stronger and are sending out loving, sparkling green-based energy. (Chlorophyll green, not "evil-chemical green.") The fraying energies in the U.S. are fast giving out. What fed them before no longer works, and for the moment, they are operating "on fumes." Still, the nexus in Britain and the other in Switzerland seem to be pumping out stuff really well, and a couple of these figures seem to be developing in other countries. I saw one near the Firebird of China and the Bear of Russia. I didn't think to look at India or Brazil, but I assume something is developing in both places as well.

Just thought I'd share. So much needs to be done, my friends. So much. But we must begin where we are at, wherever that may be...

Ancestors Part III; Mayan Calendar

For my last two days at the Ancestral Campfire, I met a "Governor's wife" and a Druid. The Governor's wife only introduced herself as Felicia, but she wanted to meet me. She was a rather quiet woman, but with a steely will. Carried herself with quite a bit of refinement, but under the frou-frou was a no-nonsense and controlling political wife, one very adept at putting diplomacy into her every move. Still, she confessed that her controlling side got in the way of her really kicking back and enjoying her life. She told me the story of having a big dinner for a dear friend of hers and she had wanted it to be just perfect. But the friend said that all that mattered to her was that Felicia was honoring the woman's birthday and that she had to release the reins of however this party went and know that everything would be fine. And after Felicia adjusted to the situation of loosening the grip on the party-planning and marshalling, she was actually able to have a good time for a change. She eased into a more natural way with parties after that.

The Druid was an opportunity to learn about sexual shamanism. He got right into that, actually and commented on my fantasies of having a life where I can go about my business skyclad ("my best outfit!") without worry of arrest or uproar. Diarmuid said that the sexual aspect was one element of his healing practice in his lifetime, and then he proceeded to work some of that astrally on me-at-the-campfire. Yes, the Druid just climbed onto me and sat on my astride, catching me up inside him in one elegant and slick moment. *PFLUNK* that was it! I feel there was some astral healing that took place there, and I feel like I was sent off from the Campfire for this year with "a bang" as it were! (tee-hee!) It's part of my path, and there's more stuff coming down the pike.

Yesterday, I was called by my personal pantheon first to bring all 9 of my deities into work with me, even "the Mystery God" who has yet to introduce himself. So last night I brought Cerridwen, Dian-y-Glas, Hermes, Hestia, Hecate, Odin, Freya, the Star Goddess and Mystery God with me. The funniest part of the escort was the deciding that they'd all come with me. It was when Hecate suggested I invite the Mystery God into the space that all the others decided they wanted to come. Cerridwen and Dian-y-Glas for their parts are sick of it. Odin's not thrilled, and Freya at first begged off. But then with MG, they were like "Oh, he's so much fun! When you know who he is, you'll understand." Great, guys! Make me feel good not knowing who he is yet.

While I was there, I was called on to do a reading. Each deity took my hand and rifled through my Tarot Deck and picked out a card. The reading itself, taken as a whole, seems to portend that I'm about to meet someone. It's like imminent, and I need to prepare myself. (Or not.) But I'll be called upon to Seize the Day and act with Authority in my everyday life and to approach my communications with stability crossed with dynamism--what I usually do anyway. When I meditated on each card, the respective deity clued me in as to why they selected the card they did. Except for Mystery God, who did "a penis dance" in my face and in my brain. (His cock turned into a real tool, flipping different switches in my brain tissue. I felt little lights go off, little synapses firing.) His card was what some regard as "the gay card," The Hierophant. So I take it that all this sex stuff is about to pay off. Maybe even this week. Cross your fingers, toes, and other appendages...

As to the Mayan Calendar, I needed to just say "get ready." According to Carl J. Calleman, we are about to enter into a year of momentous change as the energies shift from the Third Galactic Night to the Fourth Galactic Day. This period will mark the definite shift toward the transparent and the ethical, and this will totally unnerve the powers that be. Following the Fourth Galactic Day and Night the next year and the Fifth Galactic Day as well (?), we may see the real darkness emerge with the Fifth Galactic Night, which corresponds to the emergence of Hitler and the whole aspect of WW2 and the Holocaust. Just in time for the next presidential election. Interesting eh? Difficulties of great darkness will ensue--imagine the energies of the 20 year period of 1932-52 being compressed into one potent year. That's how fast time's speeded up! (In the cycle before the Planetary, where the demarcations were 20 year periods, they were more like 100 years, and before that, an even larger span.) We can see that western dominance will recede even more over the next two years, probably as the house-of-cards that is our economy tanks, and as more and more people see they don't have to live by the rules the overlords set out for us. Their desperation will become more and more apparent and they'll have a last gasp which could really portend the Armageddon scenario so many Red-Staters seem to long for. Who knows, though? Perhaps the forces of alignment will intervene? Hard to say--three years of intense progress could render that difficult. We shall see. In any case, we're in for an exciting ride.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Ancestors Part II

There will be one more part after this, the finish-up. Since November 8, I've met with Du-Wak, a Siberian shaman; Bill and Lois Wilson and Dr. Bob and Ann Smith and three AA's who survived WWII; Shakespeare, Beckett, Chekhov and Fassbinder; four different fellows from four different cultures of my blood ancestry but 100 years before their peoples became assimilated into the Civ-Borg; and Eliane from France, Josiah Cotten, Ben Franklin and John Winthrop. (In that reverse order.)

I met with Eliane, Josiah, Ben and John because I woke up Monday evening too tired to go to the Open Mic. I made a contract with them to look for another opportunity (didn't find one) or to go to the next one. I did find an unusual opportunity which I will avail myself of not this week, but next week. Out of the blue, a fellow I knew from my swing-shift days came up to me and said "Hi, where have you been?" Since I work the graveyard shift, my schedule needs extensive therapy. He told me about another open mic poetry night at the Bowery Poetry Club, which I will attend the Monday before Thxgiving--I'll be off that night!

Tuesday, I met with a Celt, a pre-Roman Italian, an Angle and a Swede. The 5 of us were all rather strange and stiff with one another. Cordial, but decidedly not a thrillsome group were we. The Celt and the Italian were both nude, though. They both proudly basked in their sexuality and I felt a slight undercurrent of jealousy in the Angle and the Swede. I got the impression all four of them were at least bisexual, with the Celt most decidedly more gay than straight.

Wednesday was Playwright night. Shakespeare and I get along really well. Fassbinder feels still a bit cynical and defended. Beckett seemed aloof and Chekhov was reticent--very Capricornian. Shakespeare of the four was the most garrulous and welcoming, and affirming of me as a talent in my own light, though one whose reputation will only be discovered well beyond my time in this form. I think it was at this session that Ben told me that I was a guide to him in his lifetime. He only met me twice, and both times I appeared to him as a 52-year old man. But I gave him valuable help both times. Strange that we would create a feedback loop like that.

Thursday, I met with the AA's and was that interesting! Bill W. said we are basically living in a "distribution camp" as opposed to a concentration camp. The fascist tendencies have osmosed outside of a death-camp model. If we live in certain address-zones it's as if we were in a concentrated fascist camp, but one with permeable boundaries. Interesting metaphor. Dr. Bob and Ann seemed very Al-Anon to me, they didn't say much. It was the 3 AA's who survived WW2 that interested me. And, true-to-AA-form, we got into a rather raucous discussion about something that had zilch to do with alcoholism--the hyping of the Greatest Generation. In the spirit of the 9th Step, the three guys, who identified themselves as Tom Colangelo, Joe Corbett and Frank (Sorry I can't remember his last name), did acknowledge their part in the mythologizing, but they insisted they were innocent about it. They didn't understand its function in the fascist discourse that has since metastasized through the culture. They pretty much fit the Susan Faludi Stiffed bill of things, working-class, no-nonsense, everyday joes who stood up and fought the good fight and succeeded, only to be treated with accolades and disrespect later. I needed to talk with them though, because I need to stay sober/abstinent and start becoming solvent too during these darkening times.

Last, but not least was Du-Wak, the Shaman. Scary looking guy. He carries himself that way on purpose for good reason. I showed no fear, however, and looked directly into his eyes which very much reminded me of doll's eyes. No blinking, straight-ahead stare. He bristled when I sent him the God-energy I do with people more and more these days. I talked with him because I needed to understand the energy behind an idea I had reading Gear & Gear's People of the Wolf of "calling the people" to action. It's not something anyone's been able to do though, because people's voices are very particular, and the still small voice needs to cut through a lot of chatter. Still, I feel there's a way to send out a call... Du-Wak and I promised we'd talk again. He also told me that he has encountered "my kind" before, that we're rare, and that while he was alive, he'd never met anyone like me before. Only since he was parted from his physical body has he met people like me. I need training and I need to find mentors and later, people to train and people to treat. I'm a certain kind of sexual, shamanic healer who needs to work a certain "chalice/blade" energetics.

Last night, I also met my friend Damien who told me some cool things about what's going on. I've been agonizing about the current situation, about what I'm supposed to do. Do I write letters to get Ohio's election (and all the other questionable ballotings) recounted? Do I just start to take actions to create the world I know we can all share in? Do I attempt to reach out to people who have not yet succumbed to the religious-crack-addictions out there? Damien told me that the Ancients are coming, that I've cleared the path for them to enter into my life and that they will surround me with all the inspiration I need. I'll know what to do, when they start to arrive. I think they already have, but I guess more are coming.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

For some weird reason, I keep seeing the image of Charlie in the movie version (Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory that is), when he's deeply saddened that the fifth ticket to the factory was discovered in Argentina, and he goes to the corner shop to get a chocolate bar and on the way home, he hears the news that the Argentine ticket was fake. Fraudulent. And in shock, he's standing there with a chocolate bar in his hands and--dare he hope?--he opens it and discovers that he has indeed scarfed up the real fifth ticket.

I keep thinking of this image as regards the events of this week for some reason. I don't exactly know where it comes from. It feels different from mere wishful thinking. It feels significant to me energy-wise, like this is something that was definitely not meant to happen. Though it's interesting to me as well that "President Kerry" didn't feel right either. "Not-my-pResident" Bush definitely doesn't feel right, but what that's all about I guess we'll have to see.

Since the last post, I've drawn the Queen of Swords ("Lawgiver") and the Prince of Cups ("Dreamer") TWICE!! (Yesterday and today.) Wednesday I decided I'm a part of the resistance, whatever that is. And yesterday and today, I'm not exactly sure what the Dreamer is portending, though I'm reading Gear and Gear's People of the Wolf which is about Native Americans moving south through the Cordilleran Ice Sheet many, many moons ago. The main character is called "Wolf Dreamer" and he has a vision that's guiding him and his people. Perhaps this is a synchronicity, for I'm "seeing" little snatches of my future, and they involve both Bismarck, North Dakota AND Albany, New York. Though Sebastopol, California is also starting to make some impact, and there's that nagging West Virginia thing too. I'm not sure how it's all going to work. But I feel there's some guidance pushing me forward, outward, and that everything will really be all right. Really.

I have faith I've never ever had before. On the Prince of Cups card, the Dreamer holds out his cup and it receives a divine substance through a portal in the sky. Flying fish stream out of it and around him. The top of his body is flesh-tone, but his lower half is blue, and he stands in a pool of water inside a red lotus. Grounded in his emotions, he's connected to cosmic energy.

Let it be so. The images I have for community seem to be coming to fruition around me. Again, I don't really know how it's happening. Mystery and magic combine. I have faith, and it's rock-solid. Old stuff is just falling away. Somehow, I feel the whole jig is up and somehow I'm a part of it and somehow so is anyone who reads these words. (Give yourself a big hug, for me!)

More to come!

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Day cards for 11/2 and 11/3

I decided to get a sense of the lay of the land for today and for tomorrow. Today's energies are represented by The Hanged Man (!) which I take to be that no matter what, no matter the feeling of suspended animation, we are all, everyone of us, right where we are supposed to be. Yes, we'll be on tenterhooks, and we won't know and we will want to. (Like duh!) The Hanged Man is calm, even peaceful in the midst of turmoil. Really, the landscape behind him is as flat and interesting as draperies. The man himself is much more intriguing, especially with a bone through his septum. The beam of light that holds him against the World Tree emanates from the top of the card, which pulses with starlight. The Goddess has us in her hands, and let us remind ourselves to open our hearts and all of our portals to the divine. We will know what to do next.

It's interesting to me that the card I drew would be so dead-on about the day's energies globally, and that it's what I personally have to work with. (This has happened with my day card before. When New York lost, defeat was in the air, and it was my card for the day.)

Tomorrow is the FASCINATING one: Knight of Cups. Lifeguard. There is an energy of saving others here, and perhaps saving ourselves. Many people will be "out-to-sea" and we will collectively be searching for our higher powers to bring a rescue to us. But folks, we are our own lifeguards. I just have to remind you all of that. There will be turbulence, there will be those who flounder about and many may find themselves submerged in the waters of chaos. If we can help one another, by all means offer lifelines and such. But not at our own expense. These are initial impressions. But I'm feeling a pulse of Neptune going on here, Neptune and the Moon both. The Hanged Man is the Neptune card, and Knight of Cups can either be all water signs or Cancer usually. There's a watery influence to be observed here. I sincerely do not believe it means that a Cancer (i.e., W) will win the election. I see it more as a general influence that portends lots of emotion and we will struggle to keep our heads "above the waters." I will probably add to this as the day goes on.

Get out and vote. Do your part and pray. Cast spells of fairness and scrupulousness. Commune with warrior ancestors. There's lots to do ahead...

Monday, November 01, 2004

Samhain, Election Tarot Reading, thoughts

I co-priestessed a Samhain ritual on Saturday. Rituals really make me feel good. I had a good time planning it and leading the induction into the trance. Since I was doing this for pretty much the first time, there were things that I needed to rethink. Logistical errors that beginners make, sort of thing. But it was a deep and meaningful ritual, and I have been given an assignment by my guides (one of whom is Ben Franklin--been working with Benzel for over 13 years!) to sit at the ancestral campfire in meditation for the next fifteen days. I talked a bit with my maternal grandma and grandpa. Saw my dad's folks on another log toward the front of the fire, and I'll probably see other relatives who've crossed over. There were tons of people to talk to, some of whom were my "spiritual ancestors" and "soul ancestors" as well as the blood relations. I sense a lot of wisdom to be coming my way.

My great-grandmother Rose Dion Maxson was the one who spoke with me the longest though. She's a deeply earth-connected spirit whose energy still emanates in Devils Lake. I had an illuminating conversation with her about the magic of working one's blood into a place. I don't exactly know what she did about that, but I sense it's probably got a literalness quotient involved. Menstrual cycles and what-not, I imagine, adding to one's ties to a place. I'm curious to see how it evolves, this talk with the ancestors. And I'm curious about how a couple of desires will unfold over the coming year.

My card for the year was The Chariot from the Cosmic Tribe deck. http://www.stevee.com/pages/t.fs.html (click on "images" then "Major", then the number 7--Chariot is the 7th Major Arcana for a gander). Sense this year will see my connection to the various worlds I shuttle between taking a greater role in guiding the vehicle of this body. I will be working with some astral energies to manifest some dreams. Right now, those dreams include:

1. A healthy, loving, adorable, sexy partner (or more than one if my karma demands it!)
2. A plot of land in North Dakota while I keep my apartment in New York which becomes more fabulous with each passing day.
3. A lucrative outlet for my massive creativity that sustains and serves as I express the numinous connections to these other worlds.
4. The healing of "my spending wound" so that I may channel my finances and energies and tiem into pursuits more worthy of my investment.


On the topic of the Election, I threw a tarot reading using the ultra-busy Voyager deck. From the reading, I got the sense that Kerry would ultimately prevail, but there would be anger fueling the energy streams after the election. Somehow being connected to both earthly and cosmic energy contributes a solidity to the need to change our ways of being. The election and its aftermath will see a beginning of a more deeply spiritual and connected mode of existence on planet earth, but it won't go off without a hitch. Still, it's our responsibility to take the natural anger we feel and use it as fuel, not as a destructive force, but a force for transformation and healing. The planets and the stars and the earth itself are really in charge, and it's up to each one of us to divine within what the nature of our actions is to be in the next few days. I'm confident that Ben and other ancestors will be giving me directions to follow. Curiously, I'm re-reading Harry Potter 5 again for the 5th time! (I've read the other four 7 times a piece.) Lots of examples of standing up to the abuse of authority to follow there. I'll be moving in that direction I feel. As will tens (hundreds?) of thousands of others, here in New York alone I imagine.

One last item: I heard out-of-the-blue from an old friend who I thought was mad at me. Turns out he thought I was mad at him--this has happened before between us. We're going to have to have a talk about that, but it was amazing to hear from him and share with him what was going on in my life. Turns out he's on a similar path re: mediumship. I've been deepening my awareness of other worlds and working with guides, and now come to discover Damian has too. Wildness abounds!