Monday, November 15, 2004

Ancestors Part III; Mayan Calendar

For my last two days at the Ancestral Campfire, I met a "Governor's wife" and a Druid. The Governor's wife only introduced herself as Felicia, but she wanted to meet me. She was a rather quiet woman, but with a steely will. Carried herself with quite a bit of refinement, but under the frou-frou was a no-nonsense and controlling political wife, one very adept at putting diplomacy into her every move. Still, she confessed that her controlling side got in the way of her really kicking back and enjoying her life. She told me the story of having a big dinner for a dear friend of hers and she had wanted it to be just perfect. But the friend said that all that mattered to her was that Felicia was honoring the woman's birthday and that she had to release the reins of however this party went and know that everything would be fine. And after Felicia adjusted to the situation of loosening the grip on the party-planning and marshalling, she was actually able to have a good time for a change. She eased into a more natural way with parties after that.

The Druid was an opportunity to learn about sexual shamanism. He got right into that, actually and commented on my fantasies of having a life where I can go about my business skyclad ("my best outfit!") without worry of arrest or uproar. Diarmuid said that the sexual aspect was one element of his healing practice in his lifetime, and then he proceeded to work some of that astrally on me-at-the-campfire. Yes, the Druid just climbed onto me and sat on my astride, catching me up inside him in one elegant and slick moment. *PFLUNK* that was it! I feel there was some astral healing that took place there, and I feel like I was sent off from the Campfire for this year with "a bang" as it were! (tee-hee!) It's part of my path, and there's more stuff coming down the pike.

Yesterday, I was called by my personal pantheon first to bring all 9 of my deities into work with me, even "the Mystery God" who has yet to introduce himself. So last night I brought Cerridwen, Dian-y-Glas, Hermes, Hestia, Hecate, Odin, Freya, the Star Goddess and Mystery God with me. The funniest part of the escort was the deciding that they'd all come with me. It was when Hecate suggested I invite the Mystery God into the space that all the others decided they wanted to come. Cerridwen and Dian-y-Glas for their parts are sick of it. Odin's not thrilled, and Freya at first begged off. But then with MG, they were like "Oh, he's so much fun! When you know who he is, you'll understand." Great, guys! Make me feel good not knowing who he is yet.

While I was there, I was called on to do a reading. Each deity took my hand and rifled through my Tarot Deck and picked out a card. The reading itself, taken as a whole, seems to portend that I'm about to meet someone. It's like imminent, and I need to prepare myself. (Or not.) But I'll be called upon to Seize the Day and act with Authority in my everyday life and to approach my communications with stability crossed with dynamism--what I usually do anyway. When I meditated on each card, the respective deity clued me in as to why they selected the card they did. Except for Mystery God, who did "a penis dance" in my face and in my brain. (His cock turned into a real tool, flipping different switches in my brain tissue. I felt little lights go off, little synapses firing.) His card was what some regard as "the gay card," The Hierophant. So I take it that all this sex stuff is about to pay off. Maybe even this week. Cross your fingers, toes, and other appendages...

As to the Mayan Calendar, I needed to just say "get ready." According to Carl J. Calleman, we are about to enter into a year of momentous change as the energies shift from the Third Galactic Night to the Fourth Galactic Day. This period will mark the definite shift toward the transparent and the ethical, and this will totally unnerve the powers that be. Following the Fourth Galactic Day and Night the next year and the Fifth Galactic Day as well (?), we may see the real darkness emerge with the Fifth Galactic Night, which corresponds to the emergence of Hitler and the whole aspect of WW2 and the Holocaust. Just in time for the next presidential election. Interesting eh? Difficulties of great darkness will ensue--imagine the energies of the 20 year period of 1932-52 being compressed into one potent year. That's how fast time's speeded up! (In the cycle before the Planetary, where the demarcations were 20 year periods, they were more like 100 years, and before that, an even larger span.) We can see that western dominance will recede even more over the next two years, probably as the house-of-cards that is our economy tanks, and as more and more people see they don't have to live by the rules the overlords set out for us. Their desperation will become more and more apparent and they'll have a last gasp which could really portend the Armageddon scenario so many Red-Staters seem to long for. Who knows, though? Perhaps the forces of alignment will intervene? Hard to say--three years of intense progress could render that difficult. We shall see. In any case, we're in for an exciting ride.

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