Friday, April 14, 2006

3 Disks Freyja Deer

Interesting meditation today. Realized that I needed to switch the Above and Below god and goddess so that the order of 1-13 is:

Dian-y-Glas, Krom, Cerridwen, Hecate, Freyja, Hades, Star Goddess, Persephone, Odin, Hermes, West God (Xochipili until Beltane), Vesta, East Goddess (Kwan Yin).

Also, I thought I needed to post this song that I wrote years ago for a series of jaundiced short plays I penned called Furcht, Elend LLP: An Olio of Oiliness for These Unctuous Times. Furcht means fear in German and Elend means Misery. I was working for a law firm that seemed to relish going through its staff like cannon-fodder. We really were meat for the JD wolves at that place. Here 'tis. The song is entitled "Eight of Swords", in honor of the Rider-Waite card of the same image:

(The following is the stage direction:
Eight swords stand in the ground. OCTAVIA SCHWERTER, a timid woman in her thirties, enters and puts on a blindfold and binds herself loosely with rags. She sings "Eight of Swords."

"I put this blindfold o'er my eyes
because I despise the things that I see
I place these binds on my wrists
'cause there's I'm helpless to affect
my own reality

"Maybe I'm selective
I see things so defective
I can't make an elective
to move out the way

"If I had some choices
to express my voices
and make correct noises
to brighten up my day.

"Maybe my values are wholly misplaced
the golden rule seems so quaint, old-fashioned.
Maybe it's time I tried on a new face
one that has terrible teeth made for gnashing

"My issue is i've got goals to pursue
deserve a better life and you do too

take it from the rich
they can tell you which
one son of a bitch
selling drugs or pitch-
ing their wares in the malls and the markets
best line their guts as they lining their pockets

Who do I seek to emulate?
Is it learned or is it innate?
What can I choose to simulate?
Can I keep from becoming bait?

I'll position myself as unassailable
unmovable, unmoved, unavailable
except to the most privileged, exalted ones
sharp scales not soft skin covering their organs

"I can't rest until I start the transformation
into someone who knows how to use information
there's only one question that remains
with three variations on that refrain:
How much of a shark do I become?
How much of a shark must I become?
How much of a shark can I become?”

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