Saturday, July 17, 2004

6 Imix, a Burner Day

The Mayan civilization left behind a calendar that holds many remarkable oddities.  One of these is the notion of a "Burner Day," which is a phenomenon that can affect cultures, businesses, organizations, relationships and people.  There are 4 "galactic" burner days that apply to everyone--4 Chicchan, 4 Eb, 4 Oc and 4 Ahau.  I don't remember when the last one was or when the next one will be, but I am experiencing my own personal burner-day today. 
These Burner Days happen every 65 days--the Mayan tzol'kin calendar lasted 260 days--and so the last one took place 65 days ago.  I vaguely remember that time--I had some potent dreams back then.  I'm having potent dreams this go-around as well, and I've had a difficult time meditating.  According to one Mesoamerican Astrology expert, the burner day's energy can be felt approximately 5 days before the actual burner, and I would imagine the after-effects last a day or two after.  That's sort of how 6 Cib, the last one went with me.  The next burner day will be my "Mayan birthday" 6 Cimi--6 Death, in other words. 
It's good to know that this is part of what is going on.  It only lasts five days or so, and it passes.  I think there are things I can choose to do during this time.  As I recall, this is a time for conforming with the cosmos.  Asking what the cosmos needs, or what others around me would like from me, and conforming to their vision.  Conforming to my own vision as well, but I'm in the hallway about that. 
Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing if my energy-levels improve in the next two or three days.  (Just in time for jury-duty! O yea!)

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