Saturday, May 14, 2005

Lots to blog about, but where's my motivation?

I wish that I was a bit more energetic. There are a lot of reasons I could list for my lethargy. One of the most painful ones, believe it or not, is the fact I work in an office that is beige, black, grey and brown. I crave color. In fact, I'm going to write the rest of this text in Spring green. (Isn't this pretty?)

I went upstate for my Vision Quest, which was awesome. In retrospect, I've encountered a couple of entities--personal demons I guess is what they are. One I encountered in a meditation not too long ago--"Familios" was its name. The other one, "Soporis" was clutching onto my Point of Passion (from the Iron Pentacle), desperately trying to turn me back toward becoming a 7-11 when I've converted my temple more to a health-food provider. The poor dear was addicted to my brand of negativity, and I don't supply that anymore, not that I couldn't with a carefully placed noshing of some sugary-floury ethelly-deathel-death Froofaw.

I'll blog about that in the future--I've got to finish writing a poem in homage thereof. But the big news is that I've met someone and we're dating. It's been going on now for about two weeks, and it's wonderful. I've made the commitment to move up to the Capital District, so I will probably be taking a very different direction when I'm there. Don't know what the timing will be, but I have deepest faith that things are working out the way they're supposed to. Yippee-skippee!

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