Friday, January 26, 2007

2 Cups Hades Otter - Finally Figured Something Out

I'm all caught up in my work for the mo', and I've been surfing the web for a bit, and I saw something that made me go "Oh, yeah!" One blogger stated that "James Webb speaks for me." And that's sort of what made go, "Ah, yes! That's the problem. We're looking for someone to 'speak for me,' rather than speaking to one another about facing the deathiness surrounding us all."

Richard Moore in his thought-provoking book Escaping the Matrix made the observation that electoral politics is a waste of time, and that people who start to make things happen in their communities need to deflect the sirens' calls to "create a movement." Basically, I see people who seek "leaders to speak for them" are not feeling their feet, as it were. They are asking James Webb, et al., to feel their feet for them, as if they could actually do that. When we ask for someone to represent us at some body, we are in essence abdicating our own self-governance. To be fair, this doesn't really apply to world bodies such as Intergroups of 12-Step fellowships, whose "leaders are trusted servants, they do not govern." But when it comes to governance, I'm more and more inclined to believe that it's a grand philosophical, political, socioeconomic game of 3 Card Monte. "Watch for the vote, kiddle-kidz, where's the vote, find the vote. Is it the middle? Ha! Psych! No, the vote's been tallied ahead of time, but thanks for playing the game, now bend over and let me pull out your entrails! I'm entitled to my feast now that I've played you butt good!"

It just sort of hit me all of a sudden, and I thought I needed to share it with whoever might read my bloggellyy-bloggle-blog, Blat Man, Blat Man! But I'd love for people to read my little playkins too. So, hopefully onward!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

9 Cups Freyja Griffon

I've been cast in a play. I'm playing "Harding" in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, and I'm now in the grip of studying my lines and creating a character. Fun stuff.

So I'll hopefully get back into blogging a bit later, but for now I'm sort of out-of-commission.

Still, I did write something fun. I don't remember what blog I read it on, but one of the LGBTQ sites made a remark in passing that gay people aren't ever asked to evaluate str8 relationships, but so many of these busybodies on the batshit-crazy toxic-belief-addict religious right feel they can judge ours. So I thought, what a funny idea: A reality show where queer celebs judge whether two het's are sufficiently matched to become engaged. Ergo:

A Comedy Sketch by Cinnumeg


SION TEIKEDALL Our wonderful, obnoxious, obsequious host!
MELINDA LINDEN-READE Game show contestant bride. Darien blueblood with a guilty
BRENT BURLEYSON Game show contestant groom. Trailer trash good ol’ boy
AYN O’LYNGIS Celebrity judge – sex advice columnist.
HELLEN O’DONNELL TRUMPEATER Celebrity judge – talk show host.
RANDIE Celebrity judge – pop singing sensation genderbender.

The action takes place in front of a studio audience.


The set of “Queer Eye for the Knot-Tie.” SL are two stands representing the Bride and Groom. On the Bride’s stand is a phone. SR sit the Three Judges: HELLEN O’DONNELL TRUMPEATER, the ferocious dyke talk show host; AYN O’LYNGIS, the sex columnist with a chip on his shoulder; and the amazing RANDIE, androgynous pop singing sensation. SION TEIKEDALL, the good-looking host runs in.

Good evening, and welcome to “Queer Eye for the Knot-Tie,” the controversial show where people who can’t get married except in Massachusetts sit in gleeful judgment over those who have the dubious privilege of getting their partnerships sanctioned by the State.

And speaking as one who’s been there, done that, let me say it is most dubious, thank you very much!

Yes, I don’t see why we don’t just go to Civil Unions for Everyone, but then again, that may just be why I’m a game show host and not a politician.

That and your prize endowment, big boy.

Heavens, I’m all a vapor!

Well, let me introduce our usual panel of judges. He’s an outrageous sex columnist with a blog called “Pick-A-Pecker” and he’s most delightful when he’s sharp-tongued, give a hand for Ayn O’Lyngis!

Thank you, thank you to all those dicks and pussies that need my attention. Especially the former!

Butt of course! And then we have the ubiquitous and saucy talk show host who’s burning down the house and taking no prisoners, give it up for Hellen O’Donnell Trumpeater!

I know, I know, you all want to be me. H-O-T, that’s me baby!

And last but certainly not least, our most devastating viper because Randie only means well, our pop singing sensation whose gender is FAAAAAAA-BULOUS! Please welcome the amazingly talented Randie!

Hi, al. TrĂ©s fabu to be here, I’m sure.

OK, OK, I know you’re all the reason we watch the show, but the reasons we’re here are waiting offstage. So without further adieu, let us meet the ones who want our Queer Eyes to Check Yes for Tying the Knot. He’s a self-described good ol’ boy living in St. Louis, but hailing from Whiskey Holler, South Carolina. Raised on Swanson dinners and Mac n’ Cheese that his Momma still makes in their repo trailer home, please welcome Brent Burleyson!

(BRENT BURLEYSON, a lovable doofus, enters. He wears a baseball cap and a long-sleeve t-shirt.)

Hello, everyone. Thank you kindly Sean.

That’s Si-on, Sir.


Yes. Well, let’s meet your intended now. A PhD candidate with a Master’s in French Literature from the University of Connecticut who’s also a self-proclaimed expert in French cuisine, please welcome Melinda Linden-Reade to the show.

(MELINDA LINDEN-READE, a rather unassuming but sharp-eyed and stiff woman, enters.)

Hello, everyone. Charmed I’m sure.

So, Melinda, mon chat. Do you have a favorite French delicacy?

I’m partial to bouillabaisse.

Fishy eh? I see.

Antoine, stop! It’s all down into the sewer with you, isn’t it?

Hey, sometimes the tastiest fish comes from some deep diving, if you know what I mean.

Oh, don’t mind her, girl. She thinks every woman prefers muff to meat.

Well! Before we let this get too sang-Freudian, we’ll transition now into our first challenge for our intended bride and groom. Before the show began, we took each of you aside and asked you both the same question, which was “it’s your squeeze’s parents anniversary in a couple of weeks, and your intended would like for you to get them a gift.” Each of you has answered the question, and now the challenge is to guess what your partner would gift wrap to give to your parents. Now, the judges are going to be paying attention to whether you two are on the same wave-length but also, they will be evaluating their gifts and people who would at some day like to have that same honor. This challenge is worth up to 60 points. Melinda, since you seem to be the more educated one in this to-be family—

Hey, I resentuate that remark.

Resentuate away, dear friend. First why don’t you describe your parents a little. What are we dealing with here?

Oh, they’re your average Darien parents. Dad drives his Mercedes SUV and Mom’s on a lot of charity boards.

Yes, typical Darien everyday! Top Drawer of course.


Oh, but Dad does a lot of pro bono work.

Hey, I’m pro boner too! Why haven’t I heard of him?

So Melinda, what do you think Brent would get your parents for their anniversary?

Well, it’s so interesting you would ask that question, Sion because his parents 30th is coming up. But since you’re asking me about what he’d get mine. . . I don’t know.

There is a time limit, Melinda. The clock is ticking.

Well, I don’t know. My parents talk to him about the region of South Carolina he came from. I think maybe he’d get them some fine heirloom from the Low Country that only he and his friends know about.

(A buzzer sounds. The audience groans.)

I’m sorry, that is incorrect. Brent? What did you say?

Now, hon I don’t hold it against you. I’d be a man of surprises, like you was alluding to, but I’d get my buddies and family to he’p chip in and get your parents two bus tickets to join us for a right old Whiskey Holler festival for them to whip up a tune for!

Oh, no, Brent! You really shouldn’t!

Oh, tain’t no trouble at all, lassie. It’d be a swell ride from Hartford to Charleston and a slide down a pig in a poke right into my old Homestead, a’s right! See how we do things down there.

Where’s this coming from? We’ll talk about it later.

Well, I do declare, I sense an old Connecticut chill descending across this Maxson-Dissin’ line!

That’s Mason-Dixon.


Speaking of What-EV-er, it’s time to find out what ye olde judges think of Melinda’s answer and Brent’s gift. Ayn, let’s take you first.

Well, I’d say that the gift itself is a mite extravagant for Brent and his homies, and Melinda was off the mark about the heirloom thing, though she at least got in the ball park putting it together that her parents would appreciate some token from Confederal Way. I’d give them a 3.5.

OK, and Hellen?

I sense some tension about this whole thing, like this question has ripped out the heart of the relationship. 2.

Oooh! Cruella Deville herself. And Amazing Randie?

Oh, I want everyone to be happy. I give them a 3.

All right then let’s see the other way around. Brent, your parents really are having their 30th?

That’s right, sir. The middle of next month.

Not Valentine’s Day.

Yep, my parents are romantics. They always have the customary 3 packs of Twinkies for dessert.

They really are the sweetest people.

Stop, I’m going into sugar shock already!

Let’s give you an insolence shot!

Thirty years, huh! Wow. My partner and I have been together for 12. How do they do it?

One thing I’ve learned from them, it’s the little things that count.

So Brent, what do you think your beloved would get your parents?

Tell the truth, I’m scared to answer that . . .. bruhster.

Ohmigod! I think he gets it!

We’ll see how long THAT lasts.

I love my Melinda Linden-Reader-Reade. But she’s a bit clueless about my parents. I bet she’d get them something she thinks would be cute but without my guidance, I don’t know. A year’s supply of Ham?

(Buzzer sounds.)

MELINDA(impressed, but embarrassed)
Rats! That was actually something I thought about.

BRENT(hides his face)
Oh, my.

So, Melinda what did you say?

Well, I’m trying to be responsible like we talk about, and I know that you would probably tell me to get something else, but I know your Mom and Dad are partial to your sister Brenda’s kids and your brother Brian’s too—

Your parents named you Brent, Brenda and Brian?

Yep. And Bryllis and Brevick bring up the rear. No offense.

Ha! None taken. I like this guy.

So what’s the damage?

I said I’d get them a bunch of kids toys like a Slip ‘N’ Slide and whiffle bats and the like. So they’d have that stuff on deck when the grandkids came.

You’re not--?

Me? No! Of course not! We use protection.


Well, yes, that would be unfortunate if Darien had to shotgun Whiskey Holler into a driveby wedding wouldn’t it?

All in all, I’m mildly pleased. Though I would still give you guidance, Mel. There’s better things out there than that.

Oh, come on! There’s nothing better than a slip ‘n’ slide! What I always say!

So, Judges, how do you rate this one? Did they pull it out of the hat?

Sir, you are a peach. I think you’re just wonderful, and I do hope the best for you. I give these answers an 4.

Very good. And Hellen?

Well, I don’t know. They don’t quite pull it out of the hat for me, but they did do better. 3.

That’s pretty good for Hellen. And last but not least, our sexpert, Ayn?

I have to grudgingly give he same score as I did the last time. 3.5. I’m not sure you two belong together yet.

There you have it for the first half of our challenge. Right now you have a score of 19, not great, but you’re not out of the running yet! Still, you’ll have to get 26 points for us to give you that all expense paid trip to the Beach Resort of your choice. On to our FINAL CHALLENGE! All right. This is also for thirty points. Brent, Melinda, this will involve some role-playing on both your parts. Now, we did an intake interview with you, and both of you said that Brent was the one who handles crises better, correct?

Yes, I hate to admit it, but I’m a stereotypical Gemini. I go to pieces at the slightest.

I resent that remark.
But I don’t!

Well, tough luck kiddo, because you’re the one who gets to role play the situation of crisis. This is the deal. It’s 4:50 on the Friday before you get married and you get a desperate phone call from your caterer. She tells you that due to an oil spill in Alaska, the salmon you ordered for the reception will not be coming in. By the time you get off the phone with her, you only have five minutes to come up with an alternate plan.

Oh, my. We have to have . . . Oh no.

All right, girlfriend, breathe. This is a situation that could happen. Now, Brent. You’re not available, but it just so happens that her father is, and this is where you come in. You get to play Lincoln Linden-Reade in this situation.

You want me to playact as I’m Mr. Lincoln, huh?

Can he be my mother instead? She’s better at this sort of thing.

Yeah, truth be told she’s right.


In the spirit of gender bending I say GO FOR IT, bruhster!

BRENT(embarrassed kinda)
Well, I guess that’s a compliment huh?

This ought to be interesting.

You took the words right out of my mouth, to make it available for other things maybe.

All right then. The judges will be looking not only to see how well you negotiate this crisis, but also to see how well Brent knows Olga Linden-Reade and also, to throw in a bit of psychodrama, how her relationship with her daughter might impact the marriage.

Yes, I love to get all Freudian on you.

Melinda. And “Olga”. You have five minutes. Go!


BRENT-AS-OLGA(clipped, business-like and just a tad cruel with a New England accent)
Tut, tut, punkin. These things are to be expected.

But we got the salmon because Aunt Olivia and all her side of the family—

Well, I know Olivia claims to be allergic to chicken. She never got over that one time we got a bucket of KFC and that gizzard thingie—

Oh, mom. The wedding’s going to be a disaster.

Easy, punkin, easy. Do they have other seafood?

What difference does it make?

Punkin, we really don’t have time for this. Do I have to get out my little box of goodies?
(MELINDA’s eyes get big.)
The wedding’s on Sunday and they need a decision now. First things first, like Brent’s daddy would say.
(MELINDA glares at him.)
Well, he would. Punkin. Halibut would be fine. Trout. In fact, trout Almondine—

We can’t. Brent’s sisters have peanut allergies.

Tsk tsk. Let them have chicken!

I suppose.

Well, it’s really all up to you. It’s your wedding.

It’s your wedding as much as it is mine.

Yes, and it’s Tricia Mae’s as well, but the decision is in your hands. I think we have a couple of options. But then you know more don’t you?

Well, they don’t have salmon. They do have other fish, I guess. I’ll call them back.
(She dials a phone on her stand.)
Hello? This is Miss Linden-Reade—yes. Thank you. What other fish do you have besides the salmon? Snapper? Oh. That’s … that’s even better than salmon. Did you have that all the time? Oh. Well, then. We’ll go with that. Wow. You’ll have enough for 200 people? Well, then. Whew. Thank you.

(She hangs up. Canned applause, if possible.)

Well, that was mighty efficient of you.

Tweren’t perfect though, I can tell.

Brent’s daddy, huh?

Yeah, yeah.

Melinda, I take it that you didn’t really feel he did a good job playing your mother?

Well, he sort of knew how to snap back into it once I made my feelings known.

It’s nice to get them on a leash isn’t it?

Ruff ruff!

So, judges, what’s your take?

Brent, honey, you’re a scary lady. You seem to have what it takes to bring out the beast in her. 8.

Wow, that’s generous of our priestess of Kali, isn’t it? Ayn?

I had my doubts, but you two seem to be made for each other. 9.

Goodness! Well I think there might be wedding bells in your future.

Oh, it’s so sad, and so wonderful, and so Donna Reed! 9.

That means you got 26 points and you’re going off to have your honeymoon in Puerto Vallarta!

BRENT(excited, but sad)
Yee hawdie!

MELINDA(unsure, unsettled)

Yes, yes, you two are destined to join the ranks of the future ex-spouses of America. And that concludes another episode of Queer Eye for the Knot-Tie. Be here tomorrow when we bring on our celebrity on celebrity edition with Britney Spears and her latest Man-Toy!

Swing Out, Bruhsters!


Thursday, January 04, 2007

5 Wands Hermes Goat - Dream, finances

This morning, I woke up angry. I'd had a dream where I was trying to establish a new restaurant in New York City. I had a notion of setting it up somewhere on First Avenue between 6th and 12th Streets. I wanted to do it all by myself, however. It was a dream, so the "reality" of that is not the same as the waking world o' Maya. But still. I mean--really! I was going to set this up without having to hire anyone to cook, serve, clean dishes etc.? My dream self was deflecting these questions for some reason, knowing they were indeed legitimate, but unable to square these issues with the finances behind it.

Which for some reason got me thinking about the cunteous student loan debt I'm being Citigrouped by. "Citigrouped"="gouged"="fleeced"="decunted"="sucked-dry"="vampirized" etc. I swear, I looked at the cunteous missive I got in the mail from Student Loan Cuntoration and I saw the balance of the loan at a certain number, and I keep expecting it to go under another certain number. It seems to me it should have gotten there by now, but of cunt-course it hasn't.

I've paid about $40,000 thus far. There's something really WRONG with this picture. What are these vampires doing? Part of it is that I've been in a fog, and the cunts have been of course taking advantage of this.

So I guess this is a part of my awakening process. It's one of my 2007 Intentions (I don't use the word "resolutions" because it's really inadequate to the task) to significantly reduce my debt. It's also an intention to significantly up my income. I'm not sure what the best answer is to all of this, but I need to put it into the metaverse, the multiverse, turn it over to the Gods and Goddesses, and creature guides, that I dance free and clear of debt.

It has already come to pass that I'm free of debt. That is the magickal working I create at this time.

Hermes and Goat are my energies of this 10 Ik day. It's interesting that 10 is a number of manifestation and Ik is the wind. In my spectrum of deities and guides, I link Hermes to North (though at one point he was my East god, both directions being possibly linked to air, though I think of North as Earth and East as Air), and I link the Goat to the 2nd Chakra. Both rather earthy energies, really, though the 2nd chakra has elements of water and fire as well. Hermes revealed to me another dimension's ties to the issue of My Debting. I saw all these vaporous scaries, these darkling demons scampering about, until I let my eyes shine light on them, and they all became like dust bunnies. It was fascinating to witness this, and see that my anger, my resentments and shame and embarassment over this situation are phantasms. What is up to me is to use the tools of joyous obligation and gratitude to dig myself out of this unwanted situation.

And so I need to say that I'm grateful for the opportunity I received back in the years 1993-95 to have gone to graduate school, and to have learned more about the craft of writing dramatic scripts. It is my joyous obligation to pay for that, even if I have not been the most responsible about it and that I have been oblivious as to my omissions and deferrals. I have added to my burden through my lack of awareness and now it's time to say "enough." I am grateful that these are my lessons, and I pray that the blessings make themselves known to me, even as I feel all these phantasmic feelings and release them from the bondage to the false self. I will no longer immolate myself on a pyre of abasement.