Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Venusian times

Having a perfectly lovely time right now, preparing to paint my apartment. It's been so much fun to look at colors for my place, having to choose between "Acorn Yellow" and "Peach Cobbler", amongst other home-fashion chromatic choices.

My spiritual journey continues apace. Now I'm examining the gnostic element in my spirituality. One of the things I TOTALLY AGREE with Gnostics about is the private nature of spirituality. I have often been tempted to initiate the following discussion with those "perfectly nice literalist Jehovah's Adventists and "Latter Day Witnesses" who come up to me with free "literature."

"Yes, now can I ask you a question, ma'am? When you're masturbating, does J-Lo do it for you or maybe Angelina Jolie or Uma Thurman? And when you come, is it a full-throttle sort of release or do you experience wave after wave? What, you demur at my question? But don't you know that spirituality is much more personal than mere fucking? I mean, what kind of spirituality do you have if you'd rather talk about that than what trips your pussy's trigger? (appropriate snigger) Oh, and by the way, what is your feeling about the word 'cunt?' I think we should change the meaning to describe Pat Buchanan, Pat Robertson, James Dobson, and other vampire-hypocrites. What do you think?"

Really, the whole aspect of the spiritual journey, and to reveal it only to those I trust, has to do with 4th Chakra stuff. For me it's about finding experiences and revelations that open up my heart to trusting the ineffable. I came across this phrase that I want to one day believe:

Life is Good and Death is Safe

If I lived my life with this notion front-and-center, what sort of freedom would I have?

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