Wednesday, July 05, 2006

4 Swords Odin Salamander (?) - Current Matters

I hesitate to put it this way, but working the 3rd Step of the fellowships allied toward recovery of our disparate split-off selves as they manifested (and continue to manifest) themselves through addictions of all sorts compels me to put it thus:

We have the government we deserve.

This isn't exactly the most original thought. Alasdair Gray averred as much in his mindboggling opus Lanark, which has been on my mind of late. I've also been letting PKD's insights about Empire--that to fight it is to become "assimilated into the Borg" as it were--marinate this abstinent and sober body. But I must surrender to the fact that even though there's a part of me that agrees with Julia Roberts ("He's not MY president"), that indeed GWB is indeed the King of my Dark Side, and as such, he is the apotheosis of all I find dark and scary in the world, or rather, dark and scary in myself.

The man is the king of projections of "the Other", and as such, he has declared me (another himself) his enemy. The violences continue to splinter and splinter and splinter, and it's kind of like the broomsticks in The Sorcerer's Apprentice, which keep reproducing more and more broomsticks sort of like fractal patterns. "The Other" keeps bifurcating as more and more of us infidels are concocted through the smoke and mirrors of media-savvy.

I had this realization the past week after sharing about the toxic sludge that we're all slogging through. I know that so much of this is beyond my control, but I need to focus on what I can do through the situation. And involving my personal pantheon in the issues is perhaps the best place to start. I get inner promptings about a lot of stuff, and I've been having more dreams related to my job. Though I seem to be having dreams about every era of my life--college, high school, elementary school. For all I know, I'm having dreams about the future. Last night I had a dream where Albany, Seattle and Denver all converged into a seamless whole. Interestingly, I was headed to a mall called "Turtle Creek," which has connotations of "Turtle Mountain" to me--the Ojibwe name for the North American continent. This mall seemed to be next to the Starbuck's on State & Pearl downtown. And I was going to see a film upstairs in the cinema there. Perhaps I need to rise to the occasion and dream my wildest dreams, for recovery of my split-off selves seems to herald ever greater visions.

I've had moments in the past where I've been able to give thanks for the Neocons and their incompetent degeneration. I still have to send out even more FAG, actually probably FLAG (Forgivness, Love, Acceptance, Gratitude). Gaia loves us all, after all, even as we attempt our self-destruction. Perhaps the attempt will be successful, I don't know. The Norse had a vision of Ragnarok where only Freyja survives. Maybe I can invoke Freyja myself, or rather "Freyja Self" (ar-ar-ar!) (I think she finds that mildly amusing--thwack! or maybe not!)

I keep thinking there's more to do, though. Some things are coming to fruition. A couple of my poems will be published by a local magazine this month, and I submitted an article addressing my concerns about community to a bi-monthly gay magazine in the Northeast. Perhaps these will develop into fruitful areas of endeavor. I feel warm and juicy about it all.

When I contemplate my Triple Soul, Talking Self seems to be a rich and vibrant green! It's the height of summer, and T.S. seems to be expressing that very nicely. All in all, I feel fairly excited about life in general. Thank you Goddess and God!

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