Friday, June 30, 2006

10 wands Hekate Fairy - Thoughts on the Calendar & Astrology

It's been a few months since I've instituted this Deity-animal guide model a la the Mayan Calendar, and I need to say a few things about it. I'm not sure that I have the animals right, so I think I'd better let them take over and say "It's me today" vs. my trying to impose an order. I have a feeling that some of them will stay right where they are, or they'll switch around slightly. I particularly have difficulties keeping track of the 8 and 9 and 18 and 19. For all I know though, the critters might decide to totally change things around. I could use a shake up.

(I am in a burner zone btw. My next burner day is Sunday, July 2 which will be a Hades-Sphinx day. Sphinx seems to work at #16. By my calendar, my boyfriend would be an East-Goddess/Sphinx. (Most likely Athena, in his case.) But #6 might be Wolf or Bear or Otter. I'll have to let that decide itself.)

As far as the Deities go however, I think the system works pretty well. The order does seem appropriate to me personally, and that's where things should stand. Today definitely feels like a Hekate day, and yesterday was a Cerridwen day. The deities seem pleased that they rotate over 13 days.

Now I'm beginning to wonder if they also fit with the planets, and perhaps even the signs of the Zodiac. Perhaps with the addition of Ophiuchus to the menagerie, there's another level of correspondence. Again, I'd have to go with the intuitive there, and I wouldn't think of the signs as being "ruled" by the deities. There's affinity, but not necessarily dominance.

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