Monday, August 14, 2006

Ace Swords Hermes Salamander - "Indra's Miracle Web"

Indra’s Miracle Web

For the moment, we’re just numbers to some
As we waken to be stewards
To this beauteous orb
This grand planet, so majestic!
We are so blessed and don’t know it yet.
Can you now choose to embrace
All your natural birthrights
And shuck off the husk?

Getting closer, yes our time it is night.
Post-American reality
Makes its visions known.
All is changing, all is moving
Quickly becoming something else new.
What will it all come to be,
When we start to acknowledge
Just how we’re needed?

I’m a dreamer, I have visions myself
Of a time when each of us remembers
Why we are here
What we came for, who we really are
‘neath shallow and brittlest masks
I’m just another yourself
You’re my mirror and I am yours.

Drance among the trees
Skipping along with dolphins
Salamanders breeze
Crackling through air with undines
All connected we are
(Indra’s miracle web.)

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