Friday, January 26, 2007

2 Cups Hades Otter - Finally Figured Something Out

I'm all caught up in my work for the mo', and I've been surfing the web for a bit, and I saw something that made me go "Oh, yeah!" One blogger stated that "James Webb speaks for me." And that's sort of what made go, "Ah, yes! That's the problem. We're looking for someone to 'speak for me,' rather than speaking to one another about facing the deathiness surrounding us all."

Richard Moore in his thought-provoking book Escaping the Matrix made the observation that electoral politics is a waste of time, and that people who start to make things happen in their communities need to deflect the sirens' calls to "create a movement." Basically, I see people who seek "leaders to speak for them" are not feeling their feet, as it were. They are asking James Webb, et al., to feel their feet for them, as if they could actually do that. When we ask for someone to represent us at some body, we are in essence abdicating our own self-governance. To be fair, this doesn't really apply to world bodies such as Intergroups of 12-Step fellowships, whose "leaders are trusted servants, they do not govern." But when it comes to governance, I'm more and more inclined to believe that it's a grand philosophical, political, socioeconomic game of 3 Card Monte. "Watch for the vote, kiddle-kidz, where's the vote, find the vote. Is it the middle? Ha! Psych! No, the vote's been tallied ahead of time, but thanks for playing the game, now bend over and let me pull out your entrails! I'm entitled to my feast now that I've played you butt good!"

It just sort of hit me all of a sudden, and I thought I needed to share it with whoever might read my bloggellyy-bloggle-blog, Blat Man, Blat Man! But I'd love for people to read my little playkins too. So, hopefully onward!

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