Thursday, April 13, 2006

6 Swords Hecate Bear

(I drew the 6 of Swords yesterday as well. Odd that I would draw the same card two days in a row, but there it is. It happens every once in awhile.)

This week seems to be filled with even crazier news than before. Perhaps it's because the craziest aspect of what's going on (and of course not talked about except as general grousing) is that fuel is creeping up to $3.00/gallon. I'm curious what the tipping point will be to see others start to talk en masse about the Involuntary Powerdown will be. Will it be $3.50/gallon? $4.00? Do I hear $5?

Someone mentioned offhand that the price will be whatever people can pay. I'm not so sure. It will be curious to see what people do as the price of gas starts to rise and rise and rise. I'm wondering how it will affect everything else we do, and how we'll not only deal with the situation, but each other.

Btw, I did see V for Vendetta this past weekend, and while I do recommend it, while I think it is a wonderful piece of art, I also recognize that it's propaganda for liberals. It'd be nice to think it might inspire people to actually come out for some radical sorts of actions. But I'll sit and wait on that.

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