Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Queen of Wands Cerridwen Lamb

Interesting. I've drawn the Queen of Wands 3 of the last 5 days. I guess something is trying to get my attention.

Today's the one-year anniversary of my getting together with my boyfriend. A year ago today, I was coming down from Alexandria Bay, New York after having gone on a medicine walk--what is basically a junior version of a full-on Vision Quest. I managed to have quite a powerful experience upstate, within shouting distance of ye olde Canadian border. Coming off that powerful experience, I was ready enough to start to enjoy the fruits of a budding relationship. I still don't really know how it happened, though I drew a Goddess card from Doreen Virtue's deck. Athena popped up. I sat with the card and listened for her voice and she just said, "walk to the window." I dithered a bit, but as I started to walk to the window, Jody emerged from his office and looked at me. I told him what had happened, and we got closer together and then he said "she's telling you to kiss me." Which I had to say was what was on order. (bashful grin)

What a glorious Monday that was! We're going to a fancy restaurant tonight to celebrate.

There are all sorts of small changes around me and in my schedule. Today I worked out at the Y at a little before 6 a.m. I joined about 10 days ago, and have been working out either after work or on the weekend. This is the first time I did so at the time I usually meditate. After doing the anaerobic part, I got on the treadmill and let that take me into an internal place. I could even stare at a white wall, and thank Goddess, the television was off!

The tulips are everywhere abloom, in time for the upcoming tulipfest. Jody and I are planning on going to the Dandelion Gathering of Reclaiming in a couple of weeks as well. And the price of gas is going up. I am thinking of Jody's responsibilities this summer and his need for the car. I've been able to do without just fine, thus far. That has been a bit contingent on Jody's vehicle however. We had a talk about that when we started dating. A part of me would like to get a car, though I see what's transpiring around us all, and I wonder about it. I'm thinking "Enjoy it while it lasts, dude."

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