Friday, April 28, 2006

Queed of Disks Hades Dragon

I meant to try and post something yesterday (Art/Freyja/Jaguar), but I couldn't get around to it. Yesterday, I was surfing on my normal sites when I came across this observation from Matt Savinar at LATOC, that was about people who "embrace" peak oil--that we have some personal agenda in doing so. It may be anticapitalist, anti-suburb, anti-this, anti-that or I would imagine pro-primitive or whatever.

I was glad to read this, though at another time when I was a very different person, I probably would have been deeply mortified by this notion. I would have felt "Aha, caught!" and been deeply resentful and wounded. But because I can objectify certain aspects of my experience that cause me trouble, I can look at the situation and honestly ask "does that apply to me?" and go through it a bit more rationally to get to a deeper answer.

And yes, I think I do have agendae. Or is it agendas? It's more than one.

The first one is that I simply am aware that I have a role to play in the transition. Those of us whose birthdays are in the 1960s have Pluto and Uranus in Virgo. (At least from 1960-1968.) Those of us whose b'days are from 1964-66 have a bit more intensity, because Pluto & Uranus were conjunct in 1965 and Chiron opposed the conjunction between 64 and 66 when it wasn't as tight for orbs as many would like to see for conjunctions. I was made aware of the conjunction's effects in my early 20s and understand that people about my age have an extremity about us. We have some role to play in this transition, and I am both patient and impatient to get to work on it, even though I have very little idea of what "the work" is about.

Though I'm getting some ideas about that, which brings me to a second agenda that I know of. I need to post an observation I've made recently about a theme to some of my postings I've made on other people's websites. I have a feeling people's eyes glaze over when I mention that I lost 120 pounds through the assistance of a 12-step program, and that I think that the Steps and the Traditions as worked out by the original members of AA can be of great use. The fact of AA life is that it is "organized anarchy." The only requirement for membership in a 12-step group is simply the desire to stop the compulsive activity or intake of toxins. I've written before on how I think our dominator/Empire/civilization culture requires us to become addicts in order to "survive," which would probably be better read as "subsist." To live at the lower threshold of existence. And when we put one substance/activity down, something else like the game of Wack-a-mole pops up. Put down the booze, and the sugar pops up. Get the compulsive sex in order, and then start that cocaine habit. Because to live merely subsisting can not be sustained, and it would be better for people to find ways to abstain from subsistence if possible. Granted, that's not always a possibility, but in our culture, we are spiritually subsisting even as we acquire more and more crap through our unrestrained affluenza. And I'm heartened to see that at least one person has made similar observations about this life. Morris Berman in "Dark Ages America" pointed out how empty our lives are in his observations about fundamentalist Christianity and that it's distracting us from what we need to focus on to become sane again. Of course, I've also noted that the f.C. is a belief addict whose toxin is in the belief that "my way is the only right way for everyone." To act on that thought requires spiritual bankruptcy and moral death.

I think it's time for Empire Anonymous to start happening. "We admitted we were powerless over hierarchical thinking and head divorced from heart, and that our lives had become unmanageable." OK, that's not perfect, but my point is that AA and other fellowships do present a model for a way of life that can be a bridge out of dominator culture. It allows people to take care of whatever their business may be, but also to remember their primary purpose, which is to maintain their abstinence from the compulsion that would send them back into their misery and/or insanity/death. In any case, I'd like to see if there are other people out there with whom I can have a conversation about how how, one day at a time, they move away from the Empire/Addiction culture and into something more reasonable and humane.

Other agendas will probably pop up. But I seek to become right-sized in relation to Sex/Pride/Self/Power/Passion on the Iron Pentacle and Love/Law/Knowledge/Liberty/Wisdom on the Pearl. We are all agents acting upon one another in this reality, and I for one wish to be much more conscious of what effects I have on others and on this planet. I seek to be right-sized in all my affairs, and carrying the principles of 12-step and tradition work assists me as much as my meditations do. In fact it's because of those principles that I even do meditate today.

More to come.

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