Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Lovers (f-f) 1 Dian-y-Glas Wolf

All right. What's been going on is basically that I've been doing lots of work post-layoffs. Some people were terminated at the company I work at and I went from working for 1 person to working for 3 overnight. That alone was a bit difficult, but it was also an extremely busy week on top of it.

I have been having to check in every day to remind myself of my purpose. I remember that joy is my birthright, as are all the points on the Iron and Pearl Pentacles (Iron: Sex-Pride-Self-Power-Passion; Pearl: Love-Law-Knowledge-Liberty-Wisdom). Joy is always just below the surface; all it takes is a moment to remind myself of that, and some deep breaths of gratitude go a long way to remind me of this.

I did have a chance to go to Akashacon at the Poughkeepsie Grand Hotel this past weekend. Heard speakers such as T. Thorn Coyle, Christopher Penczak and Orion Foxwood. Got some insights as to elements that are going on regarding my path through this world. So much more is coming down the pike however. I take comfort (and give it as well) reminding myself to enjoy the present moment. Things are changing all around us, and I know "we ain't seen nuthin' yet." Mr. Foxwood alluded to the notion that if we think addictions are mighty prevalent now, we are in for a major shock. Personally, I think all we see is the tip of the iceberg and that the craziest addicts are holding office and running roughshod over others in service to the vampiric entities attached to their auric bodies.

I'm not saying I'm entirely free of those critters, and perhaps none of us are meant to be. I'm not sure. I discovered one in meditation last week that seemed to be connected to the levels of fear I frequently find myself in at the workplace. (Well, layoffs will increase one's fear load, won't they?) When it realized I'd seen it and sent light to it, it went "Uh-oh" and tried to burrow deeper into my aura, which was kind of funny and pathetic at the same time. I've sent it some light, but it's in denial mode--"I see nothing, I hear nothing, I feel nothing!" Still, I'm on to it, and I remember in my moments of fright that I can choose joy.

One thing I need to say about my recent move to "the Capital District"--a name which will one day have to change for obvious reasons: I am on a short financial leash here, and I don't honestly mind it. I have not been spending my cash on too much frivolity. OK, Akashacon was a bit silly, and my boyfriend and I stayed in a hotel. In a way it's kind of not a frivolity--Jody and I don't get to do as much stuff as we would like. It takes time to be in a couple! I'm not complaining, but I haven't quite figured out the balance between work, creativity, relationship, community-building AND daily upkeep of things like cleaning, bills, grocery shopping etc.

(And of course blogging.)

I'm hoping to post a little later today. There are a lot of things I would like to put out there that need outsorting--separating the old dross from the nuggets. There were things that happened in the Akashacon workshops that I need to sit with and sift a bit.

Good things come to those who wait.

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