Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Queen Swords/13 Rhiannon Sphinx

I don't like drawing the Queen of Swords card. There are certain cards that I get and I go, "great, what sort of day am I going to have." I keep a Tarot Log, and looking back over the days I've drawn this recently, they've not been so bad. Perhaps it's because I've seen that I'm more vulnerable to disconnect my head from my heart. In the deck I use, a sword appears to sever the Queen's head from the rest of her body. When I draw the Queen, I guess I"m sort of on notice that I'll be called on to use my head, but please for goodness' sake, include my heart as well. That has the most important information.

The Queen's energy did inform my meditation (or lack of it) this morning. The seasonal shifting of wintry energy into springing flux has me simultaneously stirred up and tired. I went outside for lunch this afternoon and came back feeling tired. I invigorated myself again by walking up 6 flights of stairs to my floor. That felt so good!

I wish I had some deep insight to offer today. But my 13 Rhiannon Sphinx day is full of quotidian value. I cast an I Ching the other night and got #41: Decrease. It put my everyday life in the context of some sort of loss, but also an embrace of the everyday, the ordinary. I can see the beauty in all that though.

Fine by me.

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