Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Fool Lugh Bear

Huh. Funny that all the words in today's title are monosyllabic.

Interesting story in the news today about the health of Americans being worse than the British, who we have looked down our supercilious and arrogant noses at for their wretched health-care system. The Brits have been the poster-child nation for the horrors of socialized medicine. Guess the last laugh's on us, eh, silly americans?

On the note of health, I've been tired a lot lately. Downright somnolent. I've been working out and I did join the Y to gain more energy. Perhaps it just takes some time, but I wonder if it isn't more that I just sit at a desk for too long. I do find myself getting up as much as I can, to go get the mail, to scan documents, make copies, etc. Perhaps my inactivity is killing me slowly? It certainly could be, couldn't it? I have also had a craving for sugar-free gum of late. That could be a sign of some other sort of imbalance.

Anyway, I did write a poem. I'm reading David Korten's The Great Turning right now. There's a lot for inspiration in this book. I'm boggled at the intelligence that is lodged in each cell of my body, as terminal as they are, and by extension as terminal as I am. Amazing.

“A Song of the Earth’s Mystery”

REFRAIN: Celebrate Mother Earth
Her wisdom profligate!
Living Mater-Matrix!
Grow, ripen, die, rebirth!

Lichen fix nitrogen
into soil. The plants do grow!
Who knows the mystery
of the fungus-loving
tree, where mold kills the bugs
attacking their needles?


Surrounded by old bones
and death upon more death
we are. Wood of our houses,
even the glass of windows
built on corpses, remains
of beings gone before.


Your liver is rebuilt
from who it was two months
past. Your skin will again
change six weeks hence, no part
of it will remain here.
You’ll be a different Shawn.


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