Wednesday, February 08, 2006

7 of Swords, 5 (Hades) Chimera

I need to try to show up to my weblog every day. That being said, there are some days when I really don't wish to do much of anything at all. I've blogged on this before, I realize. Sometimes it's just what one has to do. "Anything worth doing is worth doing badly," is a slogan I adopted once I heard it some years ago at an Al-Anon meeting. (There's a poster entitled "Incompetence" which shows a skier falling down a mountain with the caption "If you can't do soemthing well, learn to enjoy doing it badly." Si, es verdad!)

I did have a good meditation today. Hermes spoke with me about a couple of things, one of which has to do with my decision to let Jesus and Rhiannon be my West God and East Goddess respectively. The Gods and Goddesses like the variety. Sure they may have a difficult relationship with someone once in awhile. I noticed that Arianrhod didn't exactly ingratiate herself with the others, but she was but one replacement for Cerridwen when she went away from me for the period from approxmately Yule to Yule. They loved Branwen, Rhiannon & Kwan Yin. They could work with the others, even Arianrhod with her prickliness. So, suffice it to say, I'll work with Jesus and Rhiannon until Ostara and we'll see who comes up next to partner Cerridwen and Dian-y-Glas respectively.

Also, Hermes is acting as the patron of a whole passel of creative projects. I visualize a building made out of light, with "tassels" at each of its eight corners. I'm unraveling one of those tassels now--it's a short-story about that Rapture thingy out of Christian eschatology. I am interested in seeing the self-selected aspect of this concept, that people basically choose their heavens. It's to be set at a high school, and I'll post it here, once I am finished with a draft thereof.

I drew the 7 of Swords today as my card. Urges generally a focus on truth and not letting highly charged distractions get in the way of this focus. Whether it applies to me or to the world, I leave up to the discerning eye.

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