Thursday, February 02, 2006

Some inspirations

I read another website-- and I have been inspired. Also, I just posted something that I had put in as a draft about 3 weeks ago, (the previous post, q.v.) which has led me to start thinking about My Littleton Play as a series of short films, collectively entitled My Littleton Project. Though as I look at it, I see that each film could be it's own more-or-less feature-length script. There are places where I can add action and break up the script from feeling like a filmed play.

Anyway, I was inspired by "wakeupfromourslumber" to blog-blog-blog. It's Imbolc these days, so it's time to do a bit o' sprucing up.

Also, I've been enlightened about yet another addiction I must surrender, this time debting/underearning. There aren't many DA meetings in Albany, however. In fact, there's only one and it was two nights ago. Oh well.

One of the things that's going through my mind right now is that this reality is really very fluid and it seems to overlap with other realities. At least that's what my most recent dreams seem to be saying. It's quite odd, because I had the MLP dream last month, and the past few days I've been dreaming about co-existing dual realities. Like I had a dream where my New York apartment had the facade of the house in Littleton I grew up in, but my NYC neighbor was emerging from the house saying she was moving. And another dream called forth a fellow I had a crush on in college, and he was simultaneously working in a big-box Costco/Loew's Depot type warehouse-store AND vacationing in the mountains. (A Big-box store, with ice-floes and rushing creek!) So in a way, that was a triple reality.

Hopefully I'll be able to keep this up. Perhaps as it gets busy at my workplace, it'll be easier.


qrswave said...

welcome to the blogosphere!


great blog!

Cinnumeg said...

Hey, thanks! You're like the second commenter I've ever had!