Friday, July 02, 2004

More on the Fat Boy In My Head

I weighed myself today. 183. Been this weight now for 8-9 weeks. It amazes me that I can put on a shirt that's a Small, and that it mostly fits--Smalls typically are too short for "long-waisted" people like myself, which means I need a "Tall Small"--and still "feel fat."

Really it's not fat that I feel, but "round", or rather "flabby" I guess is the better word therefor. I need to work out and exercise more ultimately. It would be a good thing for me in more ways than one, actually. I've been feeling low-energy of late.

Still, I go immediately to "fat" instead of "flabby," and I need to self-talk myself to a place where the fat voice mutes down to a dull roar. 183, size 31 jeans that aren't tight on me? That's pretty strong, tangible evidence I'm A-OK in the weight area. I eat very well today, in not having had sugar or flour for almost 16 months now. Of course there's more to do now, with needing to exercise and pursue ways of being in the world.

I'm adding a new request for help in my prayers these days, that of helping me to reach out to others for help, and to give help as well. Am open to all sorts of possibilities there...

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