Monday, November 29, 2004

Amazing articles on this website

I've been finding all sorts of commonalities with different individuals on the web, but this man's point-of-view is very close to my own. I don't know as much about Jung as other people do. But I'm somewhat familiar with his views on apocalypse, and I have been feeling that this whole aspect about the book of Revelation is meant to be metaphorical for the process of uncovering what is hidden on a person-by-person basis. Evidently, Jung spoke about there being a collective psychosis that could happen, and most likely this is what we are having to face in our present-day world.

On another note, I've been having the realization that I need to filter my mind at different points during my days, especially when I have unstructured time. My own veil between my own thoughts and those of random others has been flimsy of late, and I have had to constantly check myself and ask, "What am I feeling? Whose thoughts am I having, mine or some unspecified other's?" On Friday I was meditating and I received a very strong image of myself-as-someone-other-than-me putting a gun in "my" mouth and tasting the sweet metal, delighting in whatever waited me on the other side of the trigger. I snapped out of this bizarre reverie when I realized what "I" was thinking and pulled myself back from the experience. At that point, I had been 4 days away from my last day of work. Later, I walked through the park and got myself back on track, but I wasn't prepared to have those thoughts invade my mind. Hecate led me on a "mini-Bardo" journey the night before (yes on Thanksgiving, interesting eh?), and I was made aware of how sensitive I can be and how much I can take on before my head and heart start to feel dizzy and nauseous. Ick-for-millennia, dudles!

In this past week, I also had three significant dreams. In one, I was in a classroom with a famous person I will not name. She knew everyone in the room except for me and one other person, and she looked at me and was very curious about me. I felt very much affirmed and tres flattered. In the second dream, I was "home" in a place I feel I've seen before, but can't put my finger on where I have experienced this place before. There was a bridge across a body of water. The bridge was made of cement or stone, and had no visible guard railing. I turned into this town, which I felt was "Albany" and felt right at home. I was there with my Dad, and I was showing him around. Someone stopped us and asked for directions to the school, and I helped him out. The third dream involved my being at a fun party where everyone else there was younger than me. I saw my teacher Todd from Witch Camp there with his boyfriend, and I felt chagrin because I didn't want to see him just yet. There was another fellow there too who I knew was there, and I also didn't want to see him just yet. I felt something needed to have been done before I talked with either of these guys, that some project was unfinished.

My Tarot Cards for the past few days: Famous Person dream, The Fool; Thanksgiving, The Moon; Friday, 3 of Disks (productivity); Saturday, 10 of Wands (bearing the burden); today, 6 of Disks (goals).

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