Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Day cards for 11/2 and 11/3

I decided to get a sense of the lay of the land for today and for tomorrow. Today's energies are represented by The Hanged Man (!) which I take to be that no matter what, no matter the feeling of suspended animation, we are all, everyone of us, right where we are supposed to be. Yes, we'll be on tenterhooks, and we won't know and we will want to. (Like duh!) The Hanged Man is calm, even peaceful in the midst of turmoil. Really, the landscape behind him is as flat and interesting as draperies. The man himself is much more intriguing, especially with a bone through his septum. The beam of light that holds him against the World Tree emanates from the top of the card, which pulses with starlight. The Goddess has us in her hands, and let us remind ourselves to open our hearts and all of our portals to the divine. We will know what to do next.

It's interesting to me that the card I drew would be so dead-on about the day's energies globally, and that it's what I personally have to work with. (This has happened with my day card before. When New York lost, defeat was in the air, and it was my card for the day.)

Tomorrow is the FASCINATING one: Knight of Cups. Lifeguard. There is an energy of saving others here, and perhaps saving ourselves. Many people will be "out-to-sea" and we will collectively be searching for our higher powers to bring a rescue to us. But folks, we are our own lifeguards. I just have to remind you all of that. There will be turbulence, there will be those who flounder about and many may find themselves submerged in the waters of chaos. If we can help one another, by all means offer lifelines and such. But not at our own expense. These are initial impressions. But I'm feeling a pulse of Neptune going on here, Neptune and the Moon both. The Hanged Man is the Neptune card, and Knight of Cups can either be all water signs or Cancer usually. There's a watery influence to be observed here. I sincerely do not believe it means that a Cancer (i.e., W) will win the election. I see it more as a general influence that portends lots of emotion and we will struggle to keep our heads "above the waters." I will probably add to this as the day goes on.

Get out and vote. Do your part and pray. Cast spells of fairness and scrupulousness. Commune with warrior ancestors. There's lots to do ahead...

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