Thursday, June 08, 2006

5 Wands Persephone Goat

U Que Fazer Cumar?

Todar, rialetto fajul la quila.
Bejuma piarosa que la vija for?
Bolsa mirandu fejula triassi,
corraju xire la torega missa.
Ben traxessi pod' a lemma
firuca bexaala ensomno
foren dissa morrer fazer, taz
que micolu fencha bistecca.


My Friend, the Cracks

Shells are meant as temporary.
We harm ourselves when we make
them permanent, epoxying fisures
when they appear. Better to allow
the breaking apart to proceed
on nature's schedule and align
ourselves with divine timing to creat
the life beyond our wildest dreams.


Time-Freedom #1

It's all really happening at once--
French Revolution, Constructing
the Great Wall. World War VI--
whatever. All these lives came
and went, come and gone, will
come and will go, all currently.
Step with me into Real-Myth Time
with Thoth. Let us laugh at it all.


Time-Freedom #2

I've got work to do, still
haven't quite gotten the lucid
dreaming down. I fall asleep
and I'm in the reality of THERE.
This is the Other World, and each
night I lay down to awaken
to Reality, where I feel truly free.
What's the next step to break down that wall?


Who knows why #060806

I dream a lot about subways.
For some reason to get to where
I need to go, I need to travel
beneath ground level to pop up
from below at my chosen point
o'destiny. Other people dream-fly
across skies to their arrivals. Me,
Mother Earth pushes along. Don't mind. Much.


On the Road to Xibalba Be #1

We are stepping into our shells,
this ravenous time's end approaches.
I am just one imaginal cell
on this huge larval badoy.
And I've appeared to herald what's next--
we will crystallize a chyrsalis
inside of which we will transform
into a brand new form of beauty.


On the Road to Xibalba Be #2

"Acceptance is the answer to all
my problems." So says O Libro Grande.
I'm just another post-American-to-be,
other post-Americans-to-be thereamongst,
no guru, though I have things to teach.
More of a wayshower really.
I share that unfortunate history
of having gone through something.


Could I be a 6-6-6?
It's kind of academic
at this point, as there have been
translation errors from before.
"6-1-6" evidently
is the "true" number o' da Beast!
But I'm a 6-Death, two-thirds
the way there. It's possible
I could be 6 trio
depending on how many
years after a new-fire fest
from the Mayan calendar
which I believe was '60.
"Is it I, Lord? Is it I?" --
I certainly have the laugh!

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