Friday, June 23, 2006

Devil Hermes Deer

The Devil card in the Tarot is quite interesting, and I liked The Gnostic Tarot's take on it--that it does represent darkness and things that we'd rather not face, but that also in the path toward integration and wholeness, we need to shine a light on these things.

Like with the notion of cleaning my home: there's still this "abyssal" feeling (as opposed to abysmal?) that feels like I'm dangling over a precipice. There's some incredibly powerful "force" that really doesn't want me to go to the place of having a clean home. I don't get it, it's not something rational, and it doesn't want any part of that. And so I have to patiently shine my light on the "demon" that clutches at this illy behavior.

I have encountered these critters before and I'll probably continue to encounter them as I move on this path to becoming whole. This one feels particularly repulsive, but there's some gunk-covered beauty underneath the slime, just as there was when I went on that Medicine Walk last year and discovered "Soporis" clutching at my point of passion. This lizard creature has been set free and who knows where he's awandering these days!

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