Thursday, May 04, 2006

10 Wands Vesta Deer/Angel

Actually, I believe I got off track somehow with my calendar notions. It's sometimes difficult to figure out which guide is the one that feels right, though I do believe the deities have been simpatico with the energies of each day. Today definitely feels like a Vesta day, though I'm not sure if it's an Angel or a 12-point Doe day.

Amidst reading The Great Turning, I'm realizing that somehow I've been really blessed with the desire to become an elder somewhat before my time. Perhaps it's a Pisces thing, though I also think it might be a multiple past-life thing where I've been of a monastic and solitary bent. This go-around, I really want to groove with being a part of a community birthing itself. I'd like to be a "community midwife" as it were.

There was a wonderful metaphor in Korten's book as well, that when the caterpillar is ready to form the chrysalis, "imaginal cells" appear that the caterpillar treats as "invaders" or "viruses." But in actuality, they are there to help the caterpillar form the chrysalis and transform into the butterfly it's to become. Korten likened those of us who call ourselves "Cultural/Spirtual Creatives" to these imaginal cells, and that as more and more of us appear, we will help to push the whole of humanity into that chrysalis and therein transform.

(And the Butterfly in the ahead-of-me-chakra REALLY loves that notion! I'll have to see if two days hence is a Butterfly or a Salamander day. I know that the day after is a wolf for that is definitely #20 of the animals.)

I like this notion especially though, because it suggests to me that while I may be here to usher others toward the chrysalis state, I am also in the throes of transformation as well. In fact, I'm reveling in the notion that the process is already underway in my case. In my meditations, I feel that certain chakral centers open and warmth and light and "air"--I don't really know what else to call this breezy energy--stream in. It's not easy then to go to work and sit at a desk all day (and make myself tired in the process), and try to send this loving breezy energy out to everyone I know, but I remember that I'm giving service to others, just by being here as well as by "doing the work" in front of me.

I feel blessed, and I share that blessing with everyone, and I feel too, that certain things--flowers, trees, buildings--share it back! We're all a part of life-life-life as well as "ethyly-deathel-death" as I like to call it. I like to "FAGG" it--Forgive Accept and Give gratitude. T-hee!

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