Monday, May 15, 2006

2 Cups Hermes Lamb

Had a very productive weekend, but the thing that was most amazing was a meditation that took me, of all places, to Hogwarts!!! Yes, that's right. Instead of my receiving an owl, it was more like the Owl dragged me to the place and summarily dropped me off without even a "how'd'yado?" It was pretty awesome to come face to face with a Hermione Granger and a Ron Weasley who were still bickering as ever. I was there they said, to recieve "the Draft of Innisfree." Very interesting that. They administered it to me, and I felt like they had given me something that is germinating inside me. It feels like a creative project of some sort.

After the meditation, I sat down and wrote a ten-twelve page play a la Ed Wood, which I've entitled "The Hairbrush of Dooooommm!" It has a dreamlike logic. I had a couple of unusual dreams relating to the healing of my creativity which I've been seeking. Interestingly, both had barges in them. I was transported to a barge in the first, and in the second, a barge was rear-ended by a smaller craft in the Hudson River. A tractor trailer fell into the river. "The Sabre Dance" was playing. Needless to say, I woke up laughing.

I'll get that play upgetyped sometime soon. Probably will post it here, FWIW. La la la, I wrote something! Yeay for mih!

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