Friday, May 05, 2006

3 Disks Athena Gnome

I've been exercising of late, and today's the first day where I've not felt tired. Of course, I've gained five pounds in the last week, pretty sure solely from the muscle-mass I'm acquiring now that I'm Y-ward 3x/wk.

Really, I don't know why but I'm starting to feel quite hopeful and optimistic as well. I don't know if it's because of Beltane or the exercising, or from the fact that lots more people are starting to see what's around them, a little at a time. Perhaps all three? Could be.

I remember to have gratitude for everyone, even the people whose experience, weakness and hopelessness remind me "There but for the grace of Goddess go I." I'm grateful to Fred Phelps, Jerry Falwell and all those kooks out there who seem to have fallen into a toxic state of believing in their incapacity to produce excrementa odorifera. I'm grateful to the neocons who are convinced that bombing people is the acme of masculinity. There but for the grace of the Goddess go I, indeed.

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